How to Create A Business Blog? 5-Step You Can Follow Beginner’s Guide (Updated 2018)

If you want to create a business blog, you have come to the right place because we have penned down a mini guide for you. Also, if you need help with your business finances and loans, click here. Have a look at our list of five steps through which you can create your blog

1. Decide On A Blogging Platform :

When you make a blog, you have to make it on some platform. This is the first step in making a blog; deciding on the platform, you will use to make your blog. Choosing the right platform can make things easy for you while a wrong choice can end up making things more complicated. There are a couple of blogging sites that you can use, but WordPress is the most user-friendly platform out there. There are two types of WordPress sites. There is, which will allow you to set up a blog and its domain. is best for creating your own self-hosted blog. If you are still unsure with this platform, check this WordPress review.

2. Theme :

After your blog is set up, you have to choose a theme to make it look more pleasing and inviting. WordPress allows you to customize the look and feel of your blog and provides you with themes. There is a list of free themes that are available in the WordPress Theme Directory, or you can even get premium themes that you will have to pay to get. While choosing a theme, make sure that it is responsive.  It should display properly on all devices like desktop, tablets and mobile devices. The theme should also come with some level of customer support. You should also be able to customize it if you want to.

3. Domain Name :

After deciding on a blogging platform, you have to choose a domain name. Domain name is the URL that will be used to access your site. You can get a domain name through a domain registrar like 1&1, NameCheap or GoDaddy. Choose a .com domain instead of .net, if possible, and use your business name if it is available. The domain name you choose must be easy to remember and specific enough to differentiate your site from others with a similar name.

4. Web Host :

While the WordPress site is free, you will still need a web hosting plan. There are various plans available, and you can choose the one that fits your requirements and is well within your budget. You can purchase a web hosting service through a number of companies including Hostgator, GoDaddy, Bluehost, and 1&1.

5. Write Away!

Before you start writing the content, think about the purpose of your blog and what you want to achieve. You have to set your main objective as if you want to become an expert in your field. Will your blog have a casual and fun tone or authoritative? These points will help you layout a more specific plan for your blog.

After you have followed these steps, you are good to go, and you can finally start writing on your blog or you can follow the site there are a lot of Business Blog.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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