How to Create and Maintain a More Organized Workplace

From a poorly thought out business plan to a cluttered desk or workstation, disorganization within the workplace may prove to be a very serious and costly liability. If left unaddressed, poor organization can impede productivity, sap time and energy that may be better spent on other aspects of operation and ultimately interfere with a business’s ability to remain both competitive and profitable. From creating a more orderly desk or workstation to addressing the issues that have the potential to impact the entire business, there are numerous ways to improve the overall level of organization of the entire workplace.


Simplify When Possible

While it may be tempting to augment existing practices and processes through the addition of new systems and processes, such efforts can prove to be counterproductive. The additional confusion that such changes often create coupled with their tendency to muddle communication as well as the effort and resources that must be expended in order to bring all employees up to speed often mean that adding new steps to an existing process may be of little practical value. Employers and business owners who instead choose to assess their current workflow processes and methods in order to identify and eliminate aspects of operation which may be inefficient or that may contribute to disorganization elsewhere may enjoy greater success with their efforts.


Ongoing Changes for Long-term Improvement

While a one-time overhaul of various methods and operational processes may be sufficient to resolve a range of organizational issues, constant vigilance is required in order to maintain an orderly and efficient workplace in the long term. Workflow and operational processes can and do change over time, especially during periods of rapid growth or future expansion. Failing to assess organizational issues periodically could allow any number of smaller issues to escape notice. Adopting a long-term approach to organization and making the effort to assess the impact of any changes made to their business plan or methodology from time to time helps to ensure that companies are able to benefit from a more streamlined and efficient model of operations.


Creating the Right Culture and Atmosphere

Organization begins and ends with the attitude of each worker. Employees who are motivated to seek out and resolve the issues that may be creating a disorderly workplace can be a fantastic asset. Creating and fostering a workplace culture where efficiency is a top priority can have many potential benefits. The right atmosphere can provide workers, staff and associates with the additional motivation that they may require in order to go the extra mile.


Digital Organization

While efforts to streamline the physical workplace or to craft workflow processes that are more efficient and concise can be essential concerns, businesses would also do well to address disorganization that may be found within their digital infrastructure. Ensuring that employees are able to more easily communicate, send large files and share information among themselves without issue is never a consideration that should be left to chance. Investing in the software applications, services and other solutions that make it possible to create a more orderly and easy-to-use digital environment is often all it takes to eliminate some of the most costly and common organizational issues that businesses may encounter.


Coping With Changing Circumstances

Superior organization can provide a range of benefits for a business. Simplifying workflow by eliminating potential distractions, designing more efficient processes and even efforts to declutter the physical workplace environment can all make it much easier to ensure businesses are better able to adapt to change or respond to circumstances as the need arises. Finding ways to improve organization throughout the office is often well worth the time and effort involved as superior organization can be a critical asset, especially when it comes to dealing with growth and expansion or coping with rapid change.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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