How to Create Listings That Entice Browsing Home Buyers

Attempting to sell a home is difficult enough; top that with a competitive market, and it can be almost impossible. That reason is the reason why sellers and experienced realtors take listings incredibly seriously. This is because they know that to capture a buyer’s attention, they first need to click on their link, and that is only possible with a listing that is able to entice them enough to take that action. Thus the following includes a few things to keep in mind when creating your home’s listing.

Keeping it Short & Sweet

The very first thing that a potential buyer is going to see is your listing’s headline. This area is incredibly important as it can either keep a buyer scrolling or stop them in their tracks. So, how can you accomplish this? The best route you should take is one that keeps the headline short but sweet. For example, a headline stating the number of beds and bathrooms is quite dull. However, including a quick description of the area and the style of the home may help to catch a buyer’s attention and look further into your listing.

Seeking Professional Assistance

If you’re a realtor, it’s likely that you are handling several home listings. This, of course, can be quite daunting, especially for newer real estate agents. In fact, it can even harm your reputation if you are not providing each listing with the attention they deserve. That is why services such as are available for realtors who may not have the time to properly advertised each of their listings.

Include High-Quality Photos

Your listing and the copywriting within it can be amazing, but all that is not going to matter if you don’t have photos to go along with it. However, taking a few pictures with your iPhone is not going to do it. You want to make sure that you are showing your properties in the best lighting possible, and that is often only made possible through the services of a professional photographer. Over time you may be able to learn how to take these pictures on your own and eliminate the cost of bringing in a photographer. However, for the time being, it is critical that this is included in your listing.

List Everything

No matter how insignificant a detail you think it is, home buyers want to know. Do you have washer and dryer hookups or units included? Is there a park nearby? Is your HVAC a close-duct system or window units? Are your pipes copper or steel? Get into every detail that you can market and make sure it’s mentioned so that if something tics off a box for your future buyers, they’ll be able to find it right off in the listing. The fewer questions a buyer has before they contact you, the more likely they are to make an offer rather than worrying about getting a tour first.

Making sure that your listing is being seen is incredibly important. That is why it is highly recommended to begin implementing the information listed above the next time you are about to list a new property.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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