How to Deal with Flood Damaged Floors

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Thanks to modern technology, many natural disasters can be predicted ahead of time. This can save lives and limit the damage done to our property. However, even with prior knowledge, it is hard to avoid all damage.

When it comes to occurrences such as floods, water damaged floors can be impossible to prevent. Other than natural disasters, flood damage can occur because of faulty faucets or other busted pipes.

Not sure how to handle flood-damaged floors? Here are some tips that will hopefully make it a breeze.

Don’t Procrastinate

If possible, deal with water damaged floors as soon as you can. In some cases, this damage may not be immediately noticeable, especially if it only affected some parts of your floor. It is wise to do a check of the house to look for signs of damage after a flood.

This is to ensure that you are accomplishing all that can be done. The clock is against you here. You must do your best for your floors before the condition can worsen.

Remove Moisture

If there is standing water, you must get rid of that first. Leaving the water to dry out on its own might seem more straightforward, but it will damage your floors even more. Use a good vacuum to remove the water and go through it with a squeegee or cloth after for good measure.

Do not forget that water can seep through surfaces, even if your floor is well-finished. Use dehumidifiers or fans to help dry up water from the subfloor as well.

Targeted Treatment

Next, your floors should be treated against mould. Mould can grow fast when conditions are dark and moist. They may start small but quickly escalate into a massive problem for you. That said, you should treat mouldy areas with trisodium phosphate (TSP) mixed with water.

Once done, scrub the area and rinse with clean water. You have to dry the area thoroughly after that.

Restore, Repair and Replace

The types of restoration you can do will depend on what kind of flooring you have. Make sure that damaged parts are removed and replaced with suitable materials. Repair what you can but do not try to save pieces that are unsalvageable; it is much better to replace them instead.

Take care to check the subfloor as well as water can weaken it. If necessary, you may have to replace the subfloor too. Be sure to ensure that your floors are smooth and even once all the work is done.

Know When To Get Help

Flood damage due to clean pipe water is easy to handle. However, should the damage to your floors be caused by contaminated water such as the overflow from your dishwasher or washing machine, you may need to call in the professionals.

This is because the water may contain chemical pollutants that can be both hard to handle and hazardous to your health. Groundwater overflow or sewage backups especially should be handed over to people who better know what they are doing.


After restoring your damaged floors, it is a good idea to reinforce them for the future. Services such as this floor sanding service in Newcastle can help to prepare your floors for whatever may hit it. Besides, floor sanding can help to even out your floors after the restoration process. It can also give new shine and polish, making your floors look as good as new.

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Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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