How to Develop a Life Plan

I love the word “intentionality.” The truth is that very little in my life is under my control – so why not be intentional about the parts that are? Someone once told me that “decisions determine destiny.” Things may happen, but there’s a lot you can control with your response to those circumstances. If you’re tired of living a haphazard life, it’s wise to develop a life plan. Follow these steps to get on a path toward a gratifying life.



1. Write your own eulogy

If you’re in a space where you think you don’t know what you want out of life, sit down and write your own eulogy. In it, you’ll begin to discover what you want your family life to look like, your career goals and what you want your legacy to be. Even though there’s only so much you can control when it comes to how many girls or boys you have or whether you have grandkids, there’s also so much that you can control with intentional choices. Take advantage of this exercise and it’ll give you a better understanding of what you truly want out of life.


2. Consider the time frames


Now that you have a better understanding of what you really want, it’s good to look at how long each goal will take. It’s also wise to look at if some dreams might be worth reaching. If getting on American Idol is your dream but the show only accepts people who are 25 and under, you might want to consider trying out for a different talent contest. Reach for your dreams, but don’t set yourself up for failure. Time is the one commodity you can’t get back.


3. Look at the costs


Like time, money is another precious commodity. When you look at your dreams, it’s important to look at how much it will cost you financially. If you’d like to travel to an exotic location once a year, you’ll need to set aside a specific budget to manage that expense. When you’re dealing with money, it’s best to avoid procrastinating on how much you save and how far in advance you start the saving process.


4. Pay attention to the details

The way you’ll really win in life is by paying attention to the details. Don’t overlook the importance of a retirement plan. An estate plan is something many young people don’t like to think about as well. According to an estate planning office in Holland, it’s unpopular to think too much about retirement and estate planning when you’re young because these considerations force you to contemplate your own mortality, which is never fun. Nevertheless, it’s wise to consider those who will be here after you’re gone. You don’t want to leave anyone with your unpaid debts and questions regarding your assets. Tie up loose ends and make sure all of your details are taken care of.


When you look at the bigger picture, it’s easier to understand what plans you need to set in place. With diligence and discipline, you can execute a life plan that leaves you fulfilled. You only get one life. Live it to the fullest!

Rachael Murphey

Rachael is an entrepreneur and writer on topics of business, finance, and economics. She currently lives in Denver, CO with her dog Charlie

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