How to Diet as a Beginner


If you have never dieted before, starting a diet can be a scary prospect. You have probably heard so many stories of people who started a diet only to stop and return to their old eating habits. You may worry that you will have the same fate. You cannot go into a diet plan thinking that it is going to be easy. Dieting is hard and if you don’t go into it with a plan of action, you may find yourself failing as well. But if you develop a plan and set your determination, you can succeed and get the results you want. Read on for some tips for first time dieters.


Choose Healthy Foods That You Like

If you decide to eat healthy but fill your kitchen with foods you do not like, you are setting yourself up for failure. Try to choose a selection of healthy foods that you enjoy. Try to find a few high protein snacks like nuts and Greek yogurt which will fill you up. Also look for healthy substitutes for your favorite foods. If you actually like the food you are eating, you are less likely to regress and eat unhealthy foods.


Be Careful with Sweets

One of the biggest problems new dieters have is craving sweets. If your body is used to a lot of sugar, it can be very difficult to cut it out and it may be some time before these cravings go away. If you need something sweet, reach for fruit first. You can often satisfy the craving with fruit, but if that doesn’t work, try a bite or two of dark chocolate.


Drink Water

Drink water at all of your meals. Avoid other drinks, especially drinks with sugar. Many people can cut a lot of calories out of their diet by simply giving up sodas. Also, try to drink water throughout the day. Staying hydrated can help curve hunger. If you need something besides water, there are many new flavors of sparkling water with no calories that you can drink instead of soda. Try to keep water as your main beverage, though.


Don’t Expect Too Much Too Soon

One of the biggest mistakes people who are new to dieting make is expecting to see results in the first few weeks. Dieting is commitment to a lifestyle change and if you are expecting quick results, you are going to be disappointed. Many dieters even give up when they don’t see the quick results they wanted. You should expect a gradual change over time. Do not weigh yourself every day. Also, look for results other than just weight loss. Look for muscle definition, looser clothes and an overall improvement in health and energy. If you manage your expectations and look for small victories, you will be more likely to stick with your diet.



If part of your healthy lifestyle plan includes a fitness routine, you may want to consider supplements, especially if you are working out hard enough to deplete your body’s stores. One supplement that many people find effective is creatine. Creatine can help your body to create ATP, which can build muscle mass and give you more energy. If you decide to use creatine, you will likely want to creatine cycle so that your body does not get used to the creatine and you no longer get the effects. To cycle, you will want to use a lot of creatine at the beginning and then less as time goes on.


Treat Yourself – in Moderation

If you cut out all of the foods you love, you are going to be miserable. It is okay to have “bad for you” foods every now and then, just make sure you don’t go overboard.


Making the decision to diet is the first step you can take to a healthier, happier you. With the right goals, the right plan, and a lot of determination, you can a achieve the body you want and reap the health benefits of eating well.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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