How to Dry a Wet Oriental rug In Simple Three Steps

If you have oriental rugs and an untrained pet at home then you have to deal with a common problem – urine stains. Don’t give pet urine a chance to set on your oriental rug. Urine stains on Oriental rugs can be problematic as it can change the chemical combination of dyes. There are two strategies.

First of all, try to prevent urine stains on oriental rugs. If you are unable to prevent it then remove urine stains as soon as possible. Don’t let it dry. Remove as much as you can. After that, rinse the stain with a solution of distilled white vinegar and water. Take one teaspoon of distilled white vinegar per cup of water. Sometimes, when you discover the urine stain, it is already too late. The stain on the oriental rug is already dry. Still, act quickly and take your rug for professional oriental rug cleaning services.

How to Deal With Wet Rugs

Sometimes oriental rugs become sopping wet due to a leaking roof, plumbing problem, or any other problem. You are likely to get nervous when your oriental rugs sopping wet. However, the wool of the rug is not damaged if the rug remains wet for several days, but for several days only. You must put immediate and best efforts to manage it. Even when your oriental rugs and water are dirty your priority should be getting it dry. It does not matter whether you are living in a big city or a small town; 24 hour emergency oriental rugs cleaning services are easily available. You can easily find the contact details of a local company providing oriental rugs care services. However, you should try to handle it on your own.

Step 1

You can get oriental rugs to a concrete patio, wooden deck, or a sidewalk. You can also make use of a squeegee to squeegee out the water. Apart from these, you can also use a wet-or-dry type vacuum. Try to pull as much as water you can.

Step 2

Once you are done with vacuuming or squeegeeing, roll the oriental rugs and place them vertically on the ground. Keep your rug in this position to allow dripping of water. If you have a small rug you may try to dry it in the washing machine as well.

Step 3

The rug will no longer be sopping wet after step 2. However, it will be damp. You can dry it in sun but it should be dried indoor. You can elevate it and also circulate air around it. Sun is the best source of energy and heat. It will provide a natural dryness to your rugs. But if the sun ray will sharp and overheat, your rug color may be fade.

When the rug is wet even after these three steps, you should find the best local company providing oriental rug cleaning services.

Author Bio

Oriental rugs define the looks of your house in a way that never fails to impress. Rustam Fayziev is a professional home décor blogger who has experienced the beauty of Afgan rugs personally at Alesouk and writes all about it.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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