How to Ease of Sciatica Pain – Treatment, Prevention & Pain Relief

Sciatica can impact a person’s quality of life, as the pain will radiate from their lower back, down the left or right buttock, and toward the foot. While the pain often subsides within three months, it can last longer.

If you are struggling with pain excruciating pain, you will be happy to learn there are products and tactics that can decrease your discomfort. Read the following advice on how to ease sciatica pain.

Get Your Body Moving

If your sciatica isn’t too painful or debilitating, you must get up on your feet and get your body moving. Exercise can alleviate some of the pain and discomfort you are feeling, as it will stretch out muscles in your lower back, which might pinch your sciatic nerve. 

However, you must avoid exercises that can exacerbate the problem. Instead, embrace a gentle workout, such as a walk outdoors or light household chores.

Take an Over-the-Counter Medication

Ease your sciatica pain by taking an over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen or naproxen. It works by reducing inflammation in the body and decreasing your discomfort. However, you must always read the label on the packaging, especially if you are pregnant.

If over the counter NSAIDs provide little relief, talk to your doctor about a stronger medication or muscle relaxer. 

Improve Your Posture When Sitting

Sitting in the same spot can cause your sciatica pain to increase. If you sit at a desk for work or want to relax at home, you must take some of the pressure off your back when doing so. For example, you could use a husband pillow to improve your support and decrease or prevent sciatic pain. Check it out at

Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture can improve sciatica. The Chinese medical practice requires the insertion of thin needles into the skin, and they are placed at strategic points across the body to treat pain. Many people turn to acupuncture to lower stress levels and improve their wellbeing, but it can alleviate various pains in the lower back and legs. However, you must turn to a licensed practitioner for a safe, effective acupuncture treatment.

Book a Professional Massage

A professional massage cannot only help people relax, but various research studies have found that massage therapy can alleviate pain and improve lower back flexibility. What’s more, it can increase blood flow in the body to support healing. Do your homework to find a therapist who specializes in back pain. You could walk away from the massage table feeling like a brand-new person.

Talk to Your Doctor About an Epidural

An epidural isn’t reserved for childbirth. If your sciatica isn’t subsiding and causing you much pain, talk to your doctor about an epidural injection. If you have had the condition for more than six months, a doctor might be happy to inject a shot of steroid medication into your spine. However, there is no guarantee it will work. Discuss the treatment with your doctor to make an informed decision.

Turn to a Physical Therapist for Help

A physical therapist can work on your poor posture while helping you strengthen your lower back muscles. After listening to your symptoms, they can devise an exercise program you can perform at home, which will likely include gentle movements and stretching techniques.

If the above tactics don’t work, return to your doctor to discuss your options and other potential treatments. For instance, you might need to undergo a procedure that will seal off nerves in your lower back, which can prevent the sending of pain signals. However, they may recommend decompression surgery to relieve your pain.

Amelie Lawrence

I am Amelie Lawrence, an experienced professional and informative Guest blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: automotive,home improvement, business, health etc.

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