How to Ensure Good Eye Health in the Elderly

Of course as we get older most of us will experience some level of deterioration in our eyesight. It can creep up on us so gradually we don’t notice until we get to the stage where we have to ask other people to read the small print on a medicine bottle for example, or we find it harder to read in low light.

Research by the Live-in Care Hub ( has shown that one of the things which distresses older people the most is the inability to read favourite books or magazines as easily as before. Follow these simple tips to ensure that your loved one can continue to enjoy good eyesight in their senior years.

Visit the Optician

Eyesight can change quickly as we age so whether your loved one wears glasses or not, or whether they have fairly recently obtained new spectacles, an appointment with their optician should be the first port of call especially if they complain of headaches or a change in their eyesight. It may be that they simply require a slight alteration in their prescription and a tweak to their spectacles could make all the difference.

Limit any Screen Time

It is well known that staring at a computer, tablet or smart phone screen for long periods can cause eye strain, watery eyes and blurred vision as well as back and neck ache. Staring at a TV screen for too long can also cause similar problems. If you can’t be around to supervise the amount of time your loved one spends in front of a screen then why not look into whether a live-in carer could provide this? There are lots of benefits of being cared for in their own home, as detailed in the Better at Home Report. A live in carer can encourage gentle exercise away from the screen to improve blood circulation.

Get Them to Quit Smoking

Smoking causes all kinds of problems and not many are aware that it can be a cause of cataracts and eye diseases like macular degeneration through damaging the optic nerve. Encourage them to stop smoking by putting them in touch with a local smoking cessation programme; these are often provided through local NHS community services.

The Right Nutrition

Good health and good eye health starts with what you eat and good nutrition in a varied healthy diet is essential. Certain nutrients are vital for good eye health and these include Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C, A and E, zinc and lutein. These can be obtained through eating regular portions of foods such as:

  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.
  • Oily fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel.
  • Protein-rich foods like eggs, nuts, cheese and beans.
  • Oranges or other citrus fruits which could be taken as drinks.

Not only can a well-balanced diet which contains these things help to maintain a general sense of wellbeing it can help to maintain a healthy weight and ward off obesity and type2 diabetes – a known cause of blindness in older people. Now you know all about how to ensure good eye health, you can pass on this knowledge to your elderly loved one, so that they can have better eye sight for longer.


Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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