How to Get a Show Home Worthy Living Room in 4 Easy Steps

Let’s face it, we have all flicked through a glossy magazine and been envious of the way the stars homes look; there’s never anything out of place and their home, no matter what room is shown, is always show home ready. Then, you have probably glanced over the top of the magazine at your own living room and thought that you could never achieve the look. Well stop, it may not be as difficult as you think to achieve the perfect show home worthy living room and here are just 4 easy steps to help you get control of your clutter and have a living room you’ll be proud to show off.

Step 1

If you want a show home worthy living room then the very first thing that you will need to do is declutter the space you have; take a long hard look and think about your furniture, the chances are you probably have too much. Too much furniture will make the room look smaller which is certainly not the look we are aiming for. If you don’t want to get rid of any furniture just yet then why not look for self-storage units locally. You could also box up some of your bits and pieces as well as less will certainly be more. Don’t forget to move any children’s toys to another room.

Step 2

Have you ever noticed show homes usually rely heavily on a neutral colour pallette, with splashes of colour confined to small decorative statement pieces? Repainting your room with a neutral colour will really freshen it up and give you a great blank canvas to work with. Neutral does not have to mean magnolia, take a look at pale grey, taupe and some of the other more interesting neutral shades. If you want to paint an accent wall chose a contrasting neutral shade in keeping with the colour scheme.

Step 3

Now that you have made more space in your living room and lightened up the walls you are ready to turn your attention to the furniture. Make sure that social seating is not pushed back against the walls; this can actually make the space look messier. If you can’t afford to replace key pieces of furniture then go to town with the accessories and add plenty of texture. A good throw will not only add pattern and colour to your sofa but also texture, and don’t forget some scatter cushions. Rugs are also a good way to add focal points to the room.

Step 4

Look up! Lighting is very important in a show home so make sure that you replace your current lights with something that will really capture peoples eye when they walk into your living room. Remember lighting isn’t just for the ceiling so add a couple of lamps to the room as well as this will help you create the right mood with different types of light.

Follow the above steps carefully, and you’re sure to be inviting people over to see your show home ready lounge more often!

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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