How to Get Kids Positively Engaged in Their Oral Health

Teeth are an important part of a child’s anatomy as they help to chew food, put up cute smiles and furthermore help to support their facial muscles. Many parents tend to overlook the oral health of their young ones. What most of them don’t know is that poor dental health practices can affect the dentition of the kids in future as well as their overall body health. For these and many other reasons, as a parent you need to begin training your kids on the best possible ways to care for their gums and teeth. Here are a few ways to do it.

Teach Them How to Brush and Floss Their Teeth

You need to explain to them the importance of cleaning their teeth regularly and the proper ways of doing it. With kids being kids, you will have to find fun and exciting ways to demonstrate to them these things. Kids like imitating adults so when they see you do it and it looks fun to them they will undoubtedly follow suit. Take note –although flossing is a vital part of oral care, it is considered to be unsafe for children. As such, take some time to teach them how to do it safely but only after they have learned how to brush and when they become responsible for their oral hygiene.

Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

Encourage your kids to eat nutritious foods and snacks. Substitute chocolate, candy, and soda with healthy options like milk, fresh fruit juice, whole fruits (fewer citrus fruits), and vegetables. Also, make sure that they understand the dangers of consuming processed foods and sugary snacks. Making your kids get used to eating nutritious foods may be met with protests. But it is necessary as it improves your kids’ oral health significantly.

Schedule Regular Visits to the Dentist

Although kids don’t appreciate frequent dental visits, these check-ups are vital for their long-term dental health. It also forestalls future complications as well as helps them build rapport with the dentist thus eliminating future fears. That way, in the future, if they need dental implants in Savage, MN, or in other areas, they will be more comfortable around the dentist. Likewise, you can attempt to make these visits more tolerable-even enjoyable by allowing them to bring their toys or favorite snack to help pass the time more quickly or even have a bit of fun at the dentists.

Talk about Oral Health and the Dangers of Poor Oral Care

Kids need to be educated on the harmful effects of a poor oral care routine. They don’t know the impacts of not brushing, flossing and the effects of eating sugary stuff. So, make them understand the effects of these things on their dental and overall body. Explain the long-term oral health effects associated with consuming lots chocolates and sweets. Use charts on dental health and hygiene and even hang some in their rooms to give them a visual understanding of the subject.

Don’t wait until your kids develop tooth decay and cavities to start teaching them oral care. Start educating your kids as soon as they turn one and follow the above-mentioned tips to help get them engaged in their oral health.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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