How to Get the Most Out of Your Life

Imagine dancing and sliding over the hardwood floors in your home. Your spouse grabs one hand and a child grabs the other and you all twirl around laughing. Sounds like a dream, right? It doesn’t have to be. Your life should be about finding joy with your family rather than dealing with unneeded stresses that accompany life. You can easily get rid of those stresses and embrace the good in your life. To help, here are 3 ways you can get more out of your life.  


  1. Get Rid of Unnecessary Stress

The first thing that you need to do if you want to live your life stress-free is to get rid of the unnecessary stress. Of course, there is stress that is necessary for life–the stress the encourages you to get things done and to get to work on time. But other things, like being stressed after your dishwasher breaks down or after the water heater dies, those aren’t as necessary. If you have appliances in your home that repeatedly cause you to stress then you should look into comprehensive home warranty benefits. A home warranty will cover for and care for the appliances in your home so they won’t add to your list of stress.


Another way to get rid of unnecessary stress is to avoid it in the first place. Don’t put more on your plate than you can handle and make sure that you always have at least one day a week that you have no commitments. If can be a weekend day or a weekday but make sure that you don’t plan anything on that day. Dedicate it to our mental health and use it to do the things that relax your mind and improve your attitude. Go out and treat yourself for a massage or go visit a National Park. Whatever it is that you choose to do, make sure that it feels like a mini vacation for you.


  1. Start a Backyard Garden

Having a garden is one of the beautiful things you can add to your home. It gives you a needed-outlet for frustration where you can hack away at the dirt and then plant something beautiful. It gives you a sense of accomplishment once the fruits and vegetables are ready to eat. It also encourages you to get outside into the sun and work on your knees. Having a garden also allows you to get produce directly from your backyard so you don’t have to worry about making a trip into town for more groceries.


Your family also benefits from having a garden. You kids will feel encouraged to go outside with you and treat the plants. Give each kid a plant that’s theirs so they will feel motivated to take care of it. It will also help them to want to eat their fruits and vegetables because they were the ones to grow them. If you’ve ever wondered about the effects of pesticides on children you can relax. With a homegrown garden, you won’t have to worry about the pesticides used. You have full control over the food you grow.


  1. Eat Dinner With Family and Friends

All too often we sit down for dinner alone. Or we all separate off once we have our plates of food. Dinner time should be about learning more about each other. When you sit down for dinner, sit down with your family. Make a game of asking how everyone’s day was. Play “Two Roses and a Thorn” where you each go around the table and say two great things that happened that day and one that wasn’t so great. You’ll learn more about each other and be able to enjoy your family more. You’ll find that the bond between you increases. Don’t hesitate to invite friends over to eat with you. They will appreciate the gesture and random nights will turn into game nights and traditions. Make friends with your neighbors and introduce them to your family at dinner time. You’ll be surprised at how often they return the favor.


Make sure that your life is about finding the joy and the roses rather than only looking for the thorns. Make time for family and eliminate stressful distractions.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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