How To Get The Perfect Smile?

Everyone deserves the perfect smile. It’s one of our best assets and we should all love it. However, sometimes oral health gets in the way; whether that’s tooth decay, discoloration or gaps. Fortunately, dentistry is constantly improving, as is any medical field. So much so that, now, dentists can design you the perfect smile with simple procedures.

Smile design is the latest technology in the dentistry field. Essentially, they design a smile that is proportionate to your face – hence the perfect smile. It all starts with a consultation where you will discuss any changes you want, the type of look you want to achieve, and how it can be possible.

This technology focuses on reinventing the appearance of your smile through common dental procedures e.g. veneers, tooth implants, and even teeth whitening. Depending on the state of your teeth and oral health, the procedure to change your teeth might be simple or more complex.

The process:

After your consultation, your dentist will have some ideas on the next steps depending on how much work needs to be done. If it requires a small and simple procedure, your dentist should be able to design your new smile through visualisation. However, in more complex cases, they will have to digitally look at your teeth and design the best course of action, as well as producing a 3D plan to ensure it will work out. Doing this digitally will allow your dentist to design and plan any results before starting the treatments, so you’re bound to be happy with the outcomes.

Your dentist will determine how best to go about smile design; however, the procedures often involve filling in gaps, changing the shape and appearance, and even fixing minor problems such as discoloration. While, for many of us, this may not seem like the end of the world, these small changes can have a serious impact on your appearance, and fixing them, not only gives you a fabulous smile but will also improve your oral health greatly. So, we definitely recommend looking into smile design.

What are the options:

There are 4 main courses of action within the smile design process to ensure you get the perfect set of teeth and it obviously depends on what state they are currently in. Whether they need veneers, bonding, whitening, or reshaping.


Basically, this happens when the shape of your teeth needs to change. This can either be to make them wider, longer, or anything that will ensure your teeth fit perfectly together. Bonding is done by using a combination of materials that will blend in with your natural teeth

Teeth whitening ​

Sometimes all your teeth need is a little cleanup. Stains and discoloration can have a huge impact on the way you feel about your teeth, but this can be fixed professionally through teeth whitening. Your dentist will be able to prepare a strong solution that will get rid of any current stains – you’ll have pearly white teeth in a matter of no time!


Similar to having veneers, but less complicated. This procedure will involve (you guessed it) reshaping the edges of your teeth to a more suitable shape, sometimes bonding together the front teeth, and filling in any gaps. This is a common method simply to avoid costly procedures while still being able to get the smile you deserve.

If you have problems with your teeth and decide to go for a consultation, you might either need a few of these or just one. It all depends on how badly you think your smile is – and let’s be honest, you probably think it’s worse than it actually is. While some of these changes seem very minor, you’re bound to notice a huge difference and just one procedure can reinvent your whole smile. Your dentist will work incredibly hard to make sure you get the most out of these procedures and being able to do this digitally will allow them to see the best course of action, as well as planning any designs prior to the treatments. With this technology, you’re bound to get the most reliable results. A smile is often the first thing we notice, so we want to do everything to ensure you have the best one going!


Most common when your teeth are stained, chipped, or have gaps between them. Essentially, veneers are a thin piece of porcelain that re-creates the look of natural teeth (so, don’t worry – anyone will know). Your dentist will custom make these to contour the natural shape of your teeth which will then be bonded to your tooth’s enamel.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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