How to Get Your Driver’s License in the UK

Some time ago, getting a driving license offline in the UK used to take longer than expected. The procedure was so complex that some people would give up after trying a few times. Some candidates would get frightened for fear that they will fail when they were presented with the practical as well as theoretical tests during the driver’s license application. For this reason, they would fail either because they couldn’t concentrate, the systems were too demanding, or because of the continual stress after taking too long to get one.

However, getting a driver’s license is not as hard as it used to be. People are now allowed to apply online or apply through DVLA. From there, it doesn’t take long to get that license. Here, you will be required to provide every necessary detail and the specific documents in order to start the application process.

Before you apply for a driving license, make sure you know how to drive. You can take up driving classes from driving schools, have a family member teach you, or learn from GOV. The UK who have resources you can make use of. This will come in handy because of numerous road jaunts and trips that you’ll find yourself joining for fun once the provisional license is availed to you.

Driver’s license application process

  1. Provisional driving license

A provisional driving license is the first thing you apply for on your way up to receive the full UK driving license. For you to acquire this license, you should not be less than 15 years and 9 months old and living in UK. The legal age for a person who wants to drive on UK roads should be 17 years old and over. However, 16-year olds can drive on UK roads if they are driving specific cars.

The application forms are found online or you can get a hard copy through DVLA. You will provide your verification details and pay the required fee. After this, the provisional license is sent to you via post.

If you had not learnt how to drive before getting the provisional license, you will be required to take driving classes, whereby you are allowed to learn while on the public roads. During the learning process, an adult who is above 21 years of age and has a driving license should accompany you. The adult should also have held that license for three years.

  1. The test

Before you receive the driving license, you must take two tests; the theory test and the practical test. The theory test comes first. You have to pass it first for you to be allowed to take the practical test. The requirements for the theory test include the provisional license as well as great knowledge on the Highway Code.

  • Theory test

Booking the theory test is easy. You can book it online or via phone. You will take the test in the test centre whereby if you fail, you can be allowed to take another test after three working days. On the other hand, passing it will see you get the test pass certificate.

  • The practical test

After passing the theory test, a practical test will be next in line. Most people fail in this test even though they have enough skills. To avoid this, prepare properly before going for the test. In addition, try not to be tense.

During the test, the examiner will test your eyesight by checking how good you are at recognizing the number plates of cars when they are about 20 meters away. Few safety questions will follow before getting assessed on your ability to drive. If you pass this test, the next step will be to get your full UK driving license.

  1. Full driving license

If you were unsuccessful in your practical test, you can retake it after ten working days. If you have passed the practical test, you will receive a certificate from the driving examiner. After this, your driving certificate will be sent to you via post. This does not mean that you will have to wait for the driving license to arrive in order to drive on the public roads. If you did not fail the last test, you can continue using the provisional license until you receive the full driving license.

As you have seen, getting a full UK driving license is not as hard as it may seem. You can choose to apply for the license online or through DVLA. A driving license is a very vital thing. Some companies will ask for a driving license before hiring you. Make sure you have one. If you have been applying for it but the tests keep getting cancelled, you could make use of the Find Me A Driving Test tool that will see you get your license within no time.

Pavan Rajput

Pavan Rajput is writer. He has written articles on all niche including tech, pet, lifestyle etc. He loves travelling and reading books.

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