How to Get Your Work Onboard For a Health Goal to Decrease Obesity at Work


America has an obesity epidemic. We live a fast-paced life with more fast food options than healthy options. Luckily, we are recognizing this as a problem. More and more people are taking personal responsibility for their weight, and many companies are also helping with the cause. Many recruiters and employees are attracted to companies that make this a priority, so here are simple ways to encourage healthy behavior at the workplace.


  1. Install a healthy vending machine

Most employees stop at the vending machine throughout the day to satisfy cravings and even get lunch. Most vending machines are filled with chips, candy, soda, and other unhealthy options. Nowadays, there are several healthy options to offer your employees with salads and healthy treats, such as granola and nuts. Have vending machines with healthier drink options as well.


  1. Provide discounts for gym memberships

Many people don’t sign up for a gym because it’s simply too expensive. Don’t let that be a problem for your employees! Provide free or discounted gym memberships so that everyone can enjoy gym facilities. Try to include a variety of gym options so that people can pick the one that they prefer or that is closest to them. Some companies even decide to rent office space in a location that offers a gym on site. Now, people don’t have anyone to blame for not going to the gym except themselves.


  1. Educate

One of the most powerful tools in the fight against obesity and other health concerns is education. Provide resources for employees to learn about these things. You can even have speakers in the medical field talk to your employees. You can encourage people to listen to these speakers with healthy snacks or other incentives. Some people don’t realize how obesity can affect their life and their total health. Learning the facts can encourage them to focus on their health. Don’t stop with the adults, either! Educate employees on how to help their children stay healthy, too.


  1. Provide vaccines

Another simple way that we can help people in the office stay healthy is by providing vaccines that can keep them healthy. Start a campaign to give people the flu shot every year and other vaccines. When flu season comes around, you will notice a large decrease in absences. There are a variety of immunizations on the market that you can offer, so don’t stop at just the flu shot!


  1. Tell people to stay home when sick

It can be difficult when an employee needs to stay home from work. It is even more difficult if multiple people need to stay home from work. When someone is sick, encourage them to stay home. Otherwise, they could get other people in the office sick, too. Unfortunately, many people will go in to work even when sick so that they don’t get in trouble or fall behind. Implement policies that prevent penalties as long as employees take the time to go to the doctor to take care of themselves. You don’t want people to take advantage of a lenient sick policy, so employees should ensure that they are truly ill in order to take advantage of the policy.


Healthy employees are employees that show up to work and don’t cost the company in other medical related ways. Of course, it also creates happier employees. This isn’t only a good idea for the business, but it’s a good idea for the individuals who come into the office and work for you every single day. Finally, it’s good for the country as a whole. We have a problem, and any contributions to fixing the problem are a step in the right direction.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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