How to Give a Successful Interview

Giving interviews is a very tough task. Especially if it is your first time, you will not be having much knowledge about it and thus may end up doing badly. Interviews are the most important steps that you must take to get your dream jobs. No matter how talented you are, if you fail to perform well in an interview, your dreams of getting hold of a good job may be ruined. Lots of preparation along with a little confidence is what you need to pass an interview.

Here are some interview tips in Hindi and English on how to give a successful interview –

Be prepared –

Nothing can replace a good preparation. No matter how smart you are, you must do a bit of rewinding and rereading before the interview. Review all the things you have studied a night before the interview. It is good to learn more about the company, people and business that you are being interviewed by. Not just the company, you must know about their products, competitors, profits, branches and every tiny thing that is to be known about it.

Be frank –

No matter what the question may be, you must be truthful. Whether it is about your interests or your grades, your experience or your passion, answer each question in a frank way. That does not mean you should be cut throat. You can sugar coat whenever necessary, but do not give false information about yourself. Because when the truth comes out, you will never be trusted again.

Stress on your USP –

Each person has a unique selling point. Stress more on yours. If you are talented in speaking, let the interviewers know about it. If you are good in negotiating, tell about it. You must put the spot light on your selling point so that the company can use you when necessary.

Body language –

Your body language is important as your talent. Stooped shoulders and slouching are a big no. sit up straight, look the interviewers in the eye and sit properly. Do not cross legs or keep them wide. Keep them straight and put your hands on your thighs. Talk loudly and clearly. Whatever you speak must be clear and audible. Smile when necessary and other wise keep an alert posture. Remain the same until the end of the interview. Confidence is the key to good body language.

Dress code –

Always dress in your formals and wear clean clothes. Use only washed and ironed clothes. Wear fresh socks. Do not use too much perfume or deodorant as it is suffocating to the interviewers. Polished shoes and minimal accessories are good. Do not wear anything bold, funky or bright. Try to keep it business like.

Don’t give up –

Lastly, no matter how many interviews you fail, never give up hope. Keep on attending interviews to become perfect and you will land a job very soon.

These are some things interview tips and tricks in Hindi and English that you must remember when you attend an interview. Be prepared and do well in your interview.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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