How to Go About Fixing Your Cabin’s Roof After a Storm

The idea is ruminating through your mind, and you’ve been thinking about replacing or fixing the cabin roof for months, ever since that hard rain blew off the asphalt shingles. Of course, you may not live in the cabin. But if you don’t want to have more repairs, you need to make the necessary repairs when you do go out there. Here are a few tips for when you tackle the job.

Decide Whether You’ll Repair or Replace

How do you decide on whether you should replace or just fix the roof? You can track your repair costs and see if they are nearing the costs of a roof replacement. If so, then it may be time to think of roof replacement. Sometimes replacing a roof can help you save money on constant repairs.

Consider the Wood

Wood can get wet, and if the rain already damages the roof, you need to ensure that the roof doesn’t stay wet. If it remains wet, it becomes susceptible to mold and mildew. Get your roof inspected to see if you really need to replace the whole roof or if only a few sections require some maintenance.

Consider Roof Replacement

Every cabin will need to have a roof replacement at some point. Even in a good environment, the roof typically won’t have a lifespan of more than 18 years. If your cabin sits under trees and the climate is moist, you may need to replace it somewhere around the ten-year mark. Of course, if your roof is metal or slate, it will last for much longer.

Watch for Telltale Signs

You’ll see signs that tell you when it’s time to replace a shingled roof. The gutter bottoms will have fine dust-like particles that cover the shingles. Sometimes the shingles will curl at the corners or look brittle. After a storm, when shingles are damaged, there could be damp-looking areas, even after the weather has dried up. These are signs that show you the roof is no longer protecting your cabin.

Lower Cost Options

If you don’t want to spend too much money replacing a cabin roof, think about doing a second layer. You can only do this if the roof is the original shingle layer, though. Your best option is to call in a residential roofer to come out and inspect the cabin roof. Some roofing companies will go outside of the city areas to inspect a roof and determine the roofing repair or replacement needs. Roofing experts have access to quality equipment that will help get the job done quickly and efficiently. Be sure to do your research when looking for a roofer.

Don’t Wait too Long

Some cabin owners wait too long to get roof replacement done. Don’t wait too long, or you risk additional damage. When a shingle roof has problems and if left too long, there could be damage to the roof sheathing, and it is not easy to spot. This type of damage can cause rot. In addition, water could seep into spaces and cause frame deterioration. For these reasons, you need to pay attention to your cabin roof, even if you don’t live in it full time.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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