How to have a happy and healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most emotional times in a woman’s life. Of course, pregnancy also comes with changes and symptoms that can be unpleasant. But these drawbacks are quickly forgotten in the face of the enormous expectation that the arrival of a baby arouses. A healthy pregnancy is a prerequisite for greater happiness which is the birth of a child.

Having a healthy pregnancy not only guarantees a happy pregnancy, but also the physical and emotional well-being of the woman who is going through this extraordinary process. A woman who is planning to get pregnant can also prepare her body by practising the following recommendations. When you know you are pregnant then you can book your early pregnancy scan.

Have a good diet

This concerns the health of two people who are the future mum and child, but it does not mean that we must eat for two. Studies show that 300 more calories per day are enough to provide the body with what it needs during this stage. It is also ideal to include foods rich in folic acid, vitamin D, iron, protein, and healthy saturated fat in the diet. Raw fish or meat should be avoided, as they may contain bacteria that are harmful to the baby. Likewise, processed foods should also be avoided, such as candy, cold meats, etc. which are generally high in salt and added sugars.

Make medical checks

Medical checks are fundamental to taking care of the health of the future mum and the developing baby. Once you are pregnant you must choose a doctor who will take care of the medical checks throughout the pregnancy. Recommendations from relatives or friends may be useful. Prenatal visits to the doctor for low-risk pregnancy take place once a month. If this is not the case, most likely the space between two antenatal visits will be shorter. It is also important to have an early pregnancy scan to see if the fetus is developing as expected and also to confirm the pregnancy.

Stay hydrated

The best way to stay hydrated is to drink water. Avoid carbonated drinks and drinks with sweeteners, which contain a good dose of caffeine. Incorporate smoothies or juices into the diet and prepare different mixtures that both give pleasure and allow you to get the most out of the properties of the fruits. Herbal teas are a good option to keep coffee away, but care should be taken to select the leaves or leaf mixture to use. Some aromatic plants cause intrauterine contractions. Delicious herbal teas made from citrus peels or dehydrated fruits can also be prepared.

Exercise regularly

Find an appropriate exercise program for a healthy pregnancy. Regular exercise can make you strong enough to easily support all the weight gained during pregnancy. Exercise also promotes preparation for birth. Besides, sport helps to better manage stress and avoid fluid retention that affects many pregnant women. Low impact exercises are great, such as walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, etc.

Take the necessary vitamins and food supplements

Even with a balanced diet, it is normal for the doctor to prescribe different vitamins and supplements. Folic acid is essential for preventing malformation of the fetus, such as defects in the neural tube (anencephaly), birth defects (a cleft lip and palate), and certain heart defects. Iron is also often prescribed to prevent anaemia of pregnancy and calcium, as it promotes the development of bones and teeth. It is also common for pregnant women to take vitamin D and essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acids.

Take care of your emotional balance

Mood swings during pregnancy are normal due to the hormonal changes inherent in the process. However, if these mood swings are exaggerated and prevent you from leading a normal life, you need to see a specialist. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to suffer from depression. Talking with other pregnant women, close or unknown, can help deal with the emotions felt. A healthy pregnancy is possible. For this, having confidence in your doctor or midwife is fundamental. You must answer their questions in all sincerity and also, do not hesitate to clarify all your doubts.

Eating well, exercising, and taking care of your mind and spirit during pregnancy are practices that, in addition to ensuring a happy pregnancy, are great habits you should also be maintained after pregnancy.


Jack Dawson

Jack Dawson is a freelance content writer. He has written many good and informative articles on different categories.

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