How to Help Your Elderly Parent Feel at Ease in their Retirement Home

Have you and your elderly parent recently made the decision that it’s time for them to move to a retirement village or home? Even though everyone is in agreement, it can still be stressful for your parent and even hard for them to admit that they require a retirement village. Finding ways to make the move as stress-free, pleasant, and comfortable as possible will certainly help to put a positive spin on things. Here are some tips you can use that can prove to be quite helpful during the move.

Involve Them in the Process

If they are able, your parent should be involved in the process. This means they need to have a say in what they need, what would make them happy, and accompany you on tours of the various facilities. Ultimately, they are the ones that will live in the retirement villages in queensland, so they need to feel comfortable there.

As well, budget needs to be discussed. What kind of place can they afford? Will you be helping to cover the costs?

Take Time to Discuss their Concerns

It’s perfectly normal for your parent to feel concerned, have doubts, and feel stressed about the move. It doesn’t mean it is the wrong choice. It just means it is hard to pack up and move. It’s important the process is open and honest throughout and that you make time to discuss how they are feeling, address their concerns, and find answers to their questions.

Help Them to Downsize their Belongings

There’s a good chance that they will be downsizing in terms of space, which also means it will be necessary to get rid of a lot of items. This can be extremely hard on seniors, as so much of what they own probably has a lot of memories tied to it. Helping them through this stage by showing patience, understanding, and listening to the stories they share can be very therapeutic for them.

Think of Ways to Make their Room Comfortable

Whether they have just one room or a complete apartment set-up, it’s important to also give thought as to what will make the space comfortable and functional for them. If they suffer from mobility issues, the bedroom is one area you want to pay close attention to. They may even benefit from an overbed table, much like you would find in a hospital setting.

The atHand overbed table system is a great option, as the table is on wheels so that it can tight against the bed, with the table part jutting out over the bed. It features a large table, an LED light, drawers, and even USB and electrical outlets. The height can be adjusted to accommodate any style of bed. They can have their tablet, a book, a notepad, and even their cell phone at their fingertips.

It’s the little touches like this that can make the room feel more inviting and comfortable.

Make it an Exciting New Chapter

By taking an active role in helping your parent to adjust and feel at ease about their move and their new home, you will be helping to put that all-important positive spin on things.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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