How to Help Your Family Say Goodbye to a Lost Pet

Your pet was a part of the family, and now your pet is gone. This is a hard-hitting truth that your family has to accept, and you can help everyone say goodbye.

Give it Time

One of the most important things to realize is that every person in your family needs time to grieve. Don’t expect a specific behavior, and don’t expect a pattern you’ll easily recognize.

Your family has just experienced the loss of a family member, someone they trusted and perhaps grew up with. If you allow time to heal, you are on your way to learning how to deal with the loss of a pet as a family.

Ask for Help

You and everyone in your family should have the opportunity to talk to someone about this loss. Some people may be able to turn to each other during this time, but it’s okay if some people in your family cannot do this.

Sometimes, a person needs to turn to an outside member of the family, or they may need to turn to a best friend. There are times when the best person to talk to is a stranger or maybe a professional who deals with this type of trauma. Give everyone permission to seek help, and be open if they seek your help during this troubling time.

Have a Funeral

Funerals are a way to say goodbye. The same can be done for your beloved pet. You are allowed to give your pet a proper goodbye with the help of friends and family members. It can be customized to your specifications if you work with the right pet funeral services. It can showcase what made your pet special so that others can see how you and your family are feeling right now.

Remember that no one is expecting a specific kind of service, so you don’t have to make it too complex or simple. It can be whatever you and your family need right now. You should talk to everyone in your family about these services before you plan them to get everyone’s input. You didn’t lose your pet on your own; your entire family lost a pet, and they all deserve to be a part of this.

Animal Bereavement Help

The loss of a pet is hard to deal with, and it may be something you can’t do without the support of others in the same position. The reality is that some people you talk to may not be able to connect with you. This is a reality that could make it hard for you or your family to express your feelings freely. It may be a good idea to consider joining an animal bereavement group.

These are groups that allow you to talk to other people about the loss of your pet. There are a number of these groups online and probably around your community. All ages are welcomed, and you get the opportunity to talk to people who get what you are feeling. Joining a group like this is a form of therapy, so give it time and be patient. They will eventually give your family members the opportunity to learn how to cope with the loss of a pet in a safe space. What you are feeling is not going to go away overnight, but at least your family will not feel alone.

Don’t Replace to Cover up

One thing you don’t want to do is rush to adopt a new pet. Even if you think it’s a good idea, you don’t know how everyone in your family is feeling. If you decide to take this step too soon, someone in your family might think you are trying to replace the pet you lost.

Yes, this loss is hard, and someone in your family might not be ready for another pet just yet. Your intention may just be to ease their pain, but don’t do this just to cover up feelings. Again, it is okay to feel sad; give everyone the time they need to process the loss. You’ll have the time to consider adopting a new pet at some point, but let it be a family decision.

Stick with your family. You need them to help you get through this loss. You can keep your pet’s memory alive in various ways, such as a framed photo.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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