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How to Holiday for Less

Everyone likes to get away from it all once in a while. However, holidays are often expensive, and as such it can often be difficult to afford to go somewhere nice for a break. Or can it? If you think about it, there a number of short break choices available that only require a fraction of the money or are in fact even free. But how – and where – do you go about finding such options, and where can you end up as a result?

Discount holiday websites

holiday-for-lessProbably the first port of call in a lot of cases. As their names tend to suggest, discount holiday websites are dedicated to getting you cheap holidays, often for a fraction of their original price. This is probably your best bet if you want to go somewhere that is usually more expensive or plain out of your price range; you might be surprised at just how good of a deal you get.

Try something more local

You don’t necessarily need to go abroad to have a holiday. Whether you’re in the UK or the US, there are loads of great places in your own country for you to take a break at, and for far less than flying somewhere further afield. Whether it’s just taking a train for a few hours and staying in a cheap hotel at a place of great natural beauty or purposely treating yourself to somewhere more fancy as you needn’t pay for the cost of a airplane ticket to get there, you’re sure to find something to suit your budget or taste.

Visit friends

Visiting friends can not only give you some time away from home but also allow you to catch-up those who might not be able to see as often anymore. Provided they’re willing to put you up, all you need to really pay for is travel and any additional costs not covered by your generous host.

Just relax

Sometimes you don’t even need to go anywhere to unwind; just getting some time off to put your feet up and chill is sufficient. Staying at home (as well as going outside, of course; specifically not actually paying to stay anywhere else) can give you a chance to catch-up on personal projects, watch all those films you’ve been meaning to (or, if you’re like me, play all those video games you’ve been accruing) and otherwise just have some quality me-time (which you can always share with friends if you feel so inclined).

Vincent Vance is a bit of a homebody and so enjoys holidaying in places close to his. He recommends Vanquis credit repair if you’re having problems with your credit rating.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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  1. Muktar hussain choudhury


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