How to Improve Your Career One Day at a Time

Are you looking to improve your career or make the most of your current role? Having career goals, no matter how small or big, can be important for your wellbeing at work. The fact is that if you do not have an idea of where you are going, then getting there can be much trickier than it has to be. So, for that reason, here are some of the best ways to improve your career with the next steps in mind.

Set Yourselves New Goals Every Day

Strive to learn something new every day. Set your goals. Extremely important in both your home and work life in order to make life as fruitful as possible. Even a goal as simple as ‘be more organised’ can actually help you to forward your career.

Ultimately, aim to do something new every day in order to see your career blossom. It may not happen overnight, but it’s the perfect way to start watering your garden and seeing your own growth take place.

Ask for Feedback

Constructive feedback can be some of the best information you will receive at work. As, if no one ever gives you such feedback, you will simply carry on as you are. Which can be bad if your work or likewise could be better. Even if all of the feedback you receive is positive, likely there will be room for improvement. So, why not utilise that room and make it serve your upwards career projections?

Asking for feedback from your manager or superior can be a great way to understand where you are and where you yet need to go. But, of course, it can also be something you dread doing for fear of negativity. See it as an opportunity to improve – no matter what – and you will find yourself with a new outlook to help your career work.

Create a Portfolio of Your Best Work

A portfolio doesn’t just have to be for freelancers or those who need a portfolio to showcase their achievements. In fact, a portfolio doesn’t even have to anything fancy; just a collection of all of the work you feel particularly proud of. This way, whenever you feel self-doubt, reservation about your skills, or anything like that, you can be assured that you do have some good work to be proud of. Even if it does just work as a sort of morale booster for yourself.

No matter what you do, it is possible to gather evidence of a job well done. Even if it’s just through saving emails of congrats from your superiors! These little things matter and can go a long way to boosting your self-esteem.

And if a career move or going freelance is in your future, then having a prepared portfolio to support this move can actually be extremely valuable. It can also help you to make note of and see the progression of your career as you improve.

Connect with New People

The fact is that the more people you know, the better your professional network will become. And a good professional network can be truly, truly, invaluable for your career. One good connection can be invaluable for your career goals. As it may be a connection which gains you invaluable advice, a foot in the door to your next role and much more.

Also, it never hurts to seek out or consider the career of someone who is working in a role you aspire to reach. For example, if someone is a Financial Director, corporate solicitor or similar, and that is the ‘end goal’ of your desired career trajectory, then understanding the roles they took to get there can be very important.

Write and Read About Your Career Niche

Do you want to know how to excel in your career? Read more about it and even try writing about it too!

Reading and then filtering that out into your own writing can actually be an incredible way to learn. It can also, over time, set you up as an indisputable expert in your niche. As the more writing you have under your name, the more you can demonstrate your expertise and push people towards your writing if needs be. It can be a great way to include something a little different on your LinkedIn profile, especially in comparison to your competition.

If you have a good level of writing acclaim to your name, you can easily use this to boost your credibility when it comes to any number of career opportunities. Should you choose to pursue a ‘guru’ type role, then having actual publications under your belt can be one easy way to prove your expertise.

Overall, it is important to understand that your career goals need to consider a number of streams and you shouldn’t focus too hard on one particular thing. A career is an ever-evolving stream of hard work and self-evolution, so don’t be afraid to put the hours to achieve your dreams.

Your career is in your hands, so don’t let it get the best of you – take control today!

Zack Halliwell

Zack Halliwell is a freelance writer in the business and marketing niche, giving advice on anything from the perfect branding to the latest tech releases.

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