How to Know if the Life Decisions You’re Making Are Really the Best Choices

CEO Dallin Larson said on Crunchbase that “A life of significance is a byproduct of making the ‘best’ choices”. This quote accurately sums up the mindset needed for making good decisions and sticking to them. You won’t go anywhere in life if you remain standing in the same place, but self-doubt can be so crippling that it’s hard to know if you should really take that first step. Here are just a few ways to figure out if your life choices are worth it.

You’ve Done Your Research

From adopting a baby to starting a new career, this should be one of the first things that you do when considering a new direction in life. You’ll want to be physically, emotionally and financially prepared for whatever challenges are coming around the corner. As a bonus, making plans for the future can also help you achieve them, especially when the path ahead involves owning a home, obtaining a degree, filling out a mountain of paperwork or meeting certain financial requirements. You won’t be able to cross the finish line until you know where the finish line actually is, so doing research is a necessary part of making a good lifestyle decision.

You’re Proud to Share the News with Family and Friends

If you’re lying to your loved ones about the details of an upcoming life change, that’s probably a sign that you aren’t completely okay with it. For example, if you’re fudging the specifics of your finances so your mother won’t worry about you quitting your job and starting your own business, you probably know in your heart that you don’t have enough capital yet. You’re just quashing your inner feelings of anxiety to put on a confident facade for others. On the flip side, if you’re sincerely happy about something new in your life, you’re probably completely honest about it to your friends and family. You want to share your joy and excitement with them, and they want to celebrate your decision with you in turn.

You’re Running “Towards” Something & Not “From” Something

Fear is a terrible motivator for positive, sustainable life changes. So is anger. Instead of enjoying your fresh start, you’ll be bogged down in the past and caught in a cycle of negativity that affects everything from your critical thinking skills to your decision-making abilities. The good news is that you can train your brain to recognize and regulate these kinds of negative thinking patterns, so if you’re considering a lifestyle change, you can try to incorporate some of these techniques. For example, if you’re debating whether or not to get a divorce, you might ask yourself “What do I have to look forward to with this change?” instead of “What will I be leaving behind with this change?”

You’re in the Right State ofMmind

This is especially important if you’re contemplating a big decision that would, say, risk your life in surgery or send you halfway across the world for a new job. Before you pack your bags, make sure that you aren’t just seeking an escape from current workplace stresses. Before you go under the knife, ask yourself if you’ve been eating and sleeping well since your diagnosis. Don’t make any major decisions while feeling hungry, lonely, fearful or exhausted. Sleep on everything. If you have any doubts about your ability to view the situation objectively, it might be worth hitting the pause button and getting a second opinion.

These are just a few things to keep in mind as you consider all of the potential paths ahead of you. Only some will lead to wealth, success and prosperity, and it’s up to you to decide which trails are the right trails.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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