How to Leverage Your Home’s Features for a Unique Living Space

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If you have been in your home for a number of years, you may find that your need for space has changed or, you want to change the look of your home. You may now need a home office, more space for children’s play equipment, or simply a quiet area of the home in which to relax and refresh yourself. Instead of the large expenses involved in moving to a bigger home, you can leverage your current home’s features into a living space that satisfies your individual needs.

Finding New Uses For Niche Areas

Many older homes and some newer ones include small niches that can be reconfigured for more practical use. This can often provide enough square footage for a private area of the home for work use, homework, hobby areas, or other activities. You may not consider these areas workable for expansion, but if you use a bit of creative planning with the vertical space, you may find that sectioning off the niche from the rest of the room can offer effective space for other uses. These niche areas are also typical places for multi-use cabinets like the ones that look like an ordinary storage space but opens up with a pull-out desk when needed.

Dividing Larger Rooms For Multiple Uses

In some cases, dividing a large room into two smaller ones is the best option for creating more living space for specific uses. This measure can create usable space quickly and easily, with a minimum of expense. Sometimes this division can be as simple as rearranging furniture and using rugs to divide space, or it could be more advance like adding a divider wall or a full wall. One benefit of installing a wall frame is that you can adjust where you want studs to be for decoration or heavy items that you’d like mounted on the wall. In addition, these wall frames can be added with a door entry to make it appear more like a second room without the need of creating a door frame.

Redesigning Attic Areas

Remodeling the attic to provide more space is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of adding more space to a home. Of course, certain design considerations, such as limitations regarding the pitch of the roof and adding effective insulation are important factors in creating a successful living space. However, providing more natural light and ventilation is often a simple matter in converting attic spaces to more productive use, and the conversion can effectively become integrated into the original design of the house.

It’s an inevitable fact that families will grow and needs will change. Home prices continue to rise, making the purchase of a new home with more space an expensive proposition. It’s probable that you can reconfigure your current living areas in some way, to provide more space for other uses. A little creativity, and the thoughtful use of building materials, can help you to update your home for more conveniently usable space.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.