How to lose 20 kilograms without compromising health

How to lose 20 kilograms

How to lose 20 kilograms – Cherished for many figures of 20 kg – a rather significant about weight. There are cases where the loss of their severe impact on health since they were not originally unnecessary. Assessment of their appearance was incorrect and loss of weight on the scale to turn a man into a skeleton, adding him many systemic diseases. To avoid such errors, we shall understand how to approach the weight loss immediately to twenty kilograms.

Where to begin

Overweight is more common in people with chronic diseases. Because of them, a slowing metabolism or accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

 How to lose 20 kilograms

In this case, you can lose weight only under medical supervision for the individually compiled method, in which the optimal combination of diet and exercise is sparing.

Sometimes such patients have to take particular drugs that block hunger signals in the nervous system level and activating the metabolic processes.

Yourself to lose weight at 20 kg can only be if there is a strong belief that weight gain has occurred through their fault – because of the abuse of food and less active lifestyle. In this case, get rid of the extra kilos is necessary, as they may cause adverse consequences for the organism.

Diet thus should be flexible and balanced, designed for the long term. During her weight should decline steadily, but from food should come as much energy as necessary to a normal life and additional sports activities.

Get rid of 20 kilos in a week, as promised, some power systems, it is physically impossible.

Diet, calculated on a month may work but will cause a huge blow to the body. Stress state will lead to the rapid return of the masses.

Stable combustion over 2 kg of the total weight a week fraught dehydration and collapse of the muscle tissue rather than fat.

Also, the loss of such a large mass in a short time will necessarily entail hormonal changes. Especially women – have the amount of accumulated fat in the waist and hips affect the production of the hormone progesterone.

Change and the work of the digestive system, metabolic and accelerate the processes of urination, the body begins to work “wear.” And it can lead to nervous exhaustion.

Take a closer look at diets that are designed for six months. The fact that the weight goes slowly has its advantages. The skin has time to catch up, the condition of hair and nails is not impaired. The optimal weight loss, to keep the body in working order, per month 3 kilograms.

Young people who do not have chronic diseases, it is acceptable to get rid of 5 kg per month, analyzing the state of their health.

As too thin

If the condition of the body’s own in the long term do not care and want to lose weight in a week, you can believe in “miracle diet” and use the following tips:

  • Go on a diet, during which the body will do no more than 1000 calories per day. For any person that would mean chronic malnutrition. How can he at the same time to engage in sports for 2 hours? The question remains open.
  • Food is used twice a day – morning and evening. Breakfast – a porridge made with brewed pm cereals without salt, butter, milk; supper – about 250 g protein product without any bread. Before going to bed is permissible to eat an apple or a handful of nuts.
  • The day would have to drink at least 2 liters of clean water to speed up the metabolic process.
  • On one day a week should give up eating altogether, drink only water.
  • Supplement the diet can be medication – Ksenikalom Reducing or taking them according to the official instructions.

Whether such a diet will help? Hardly. Those who end up in detox due to problems with the digestive system, erosive gastritis or acute ulcerative process, lose no more than 8 kg.

Rules competent slimming

You should begin with a complete overhaul of lifestyle and eating regime.

The optimal diet involves split meals:

  • Breakfast – cereal, porridge from complex carbohydrates, which provide energy for the whole day. Furthermore, cereals have high contents of fiber, helping the body to be cleaned of toxins.
  • Lunch – protein products that are introduced into the body together with fresh salad or fruit. As refilling use vegetable oils.
  • Last meal – not later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • On the day should drink at least 2-3 liters of water. You can replace it with green tea.

Good results showed interleave mode. On the day you need to give up one of the meals – dinner or lunch.

The difference between the spent calories per day and entered the body should be 200-400 units.

If you overeat and initially injected with a sedentary lifestyle, for example, 2,400 kcal, then the necessary for the average life of 1600 calories you will come within two months.

From the diet should be avoided entirely:

  • fast food;
  • baking and pastry;
  • sweets;
  • fat;
  • acute products;
  • smoked;
  • alcohol.

Gradually, consider excluding them from the daily menu bread.

Reduce calorie intake required continuously. For the active discharge process of transition after two months of gradual habituation of the organism to new conditions of existence. At this time, the energy value of the daily menu can have up to 1500 calories, of which 45% is for breakfast, 30% lunch, rest for additional meals.

You can additionally free the body of toxins using cleansing enema – a procedure performed only once a month. During the first week of a diet is desirable to activate metabolic processes grassy broths having soft choleretic properties.

But to get involved in travoterapiey should not be. Herbal decoctions drink no more than 7-20 days, breaks kept in 2-3 months.

Physical exercise

Start training with anaerobic loads should:


brisk walking;


climb the stairs.

If you can go to the gym, the constant companions in losing weight will be a treadmill and an elliptical trainer. The first month of training should be 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes, then increase the duration to 45-60 minutes.

People have a high weight, optimally train in an aqueous medium, visiting the pool. In this case, the gentle load on the musculoskeletal system reduces the risk of injury.

On the third month in a training process include power loads. This helps to maintain muscle mass.

During the classes in the gym, various simulators, in which exercises are performed with the weighting, the emphasis is on the house presses, twisting squats with dumbbells or barbells stamp, abdominal exercises.

On the strength training, a week training is given 2 to 30 minutes

Jennifer Lia

Jennifer Lia has more than eight years of professional experience in writing. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and outdoor adventures

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