How to Lose Weight and Build Muscles Using Fat Burners and Exercise? Find Out Here!

Nothing beats good old exercising for a successful weight loss plan. There are many variations of exercises which you can do to lose weight from various parts of your body while hastening the muscle toning process. Women have exercise routines which are ideally different from their male counterparts, the reason being that both of them have different body types.

In this article, you will learn some easy fundamental exercises which women should be doing to lose weight efficiently. The use of best fat burners can help you to lose fat and improve the growth and toning of muscles to a large extent.

Side Planks

This exercise is the secret weapon that will both tighten your abdominal muscles and also reduce the waistline. It works on your abdominal muscles in such ways that many abs workouts will not.

How you should do it: You must lie on the left side of your body with your knees kept straight. Then your left elbow and your forearm to prop your upper body. Then raise your hips till the body is forming a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds. After this, you will turn around and lie on the right side and repeat the process.

 Second Position Plies

This exercise will sculpt your inner thighs and also tone your gluteus minimus (the side or buttocks) for leaner legs like that of a dancer.

How to do it: Stand with your feet a bit wider than the width of your shoulder apart, and turn your toes slightly. After this, you will lower the body down via bending the knees till your thighs become parallel with the ground. After this bring your arms overhead and your shoulders down and towards the back. Pause for some time then again push yourself towards the starting position.

Triceps Extensions

This exercise is essential for toning your shoulders and your triceps. Use light weights to do more reps, around 25+ for this particular workout.

How to do it: Beginning by coming in a lunge position, put the back heel on the floor. Lean towards the front towards your bent knee then lift the arms straight upwards from the side, with the top of your weight facing towards the ceiling. Lift and then lower light weights about two inches for about 25 to 30 times on each side.

Step Ups

This exercise will target the hamstrings and your glutes to make stronger legs. Step-ups will also make your quadriceps stronger.

How to do it: Stand before a bench or any step and then the left foot on the step. Press the left foot on the step and push yourself up till your left leg is straight. Then go back to the original position and repeat the process with the other leg. Continue for 50 times on both feet.


There are plenty of such exercises which will help you to lose weight and tone your body. These activities will help you in getting a healthier lifestyle. However, you must compliment the exercise process with a proper diet.

Author bio:

Lucy Jones has written this post to help female readers understand the best exercises to lose weight and tone their bodies. She has also mentioned about the use of best fat burners.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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