How to Maintain Your Fabric Window Roller Blinds

If you are looking for the best window blind, then go for fabric window roller blinds. They are the best and gives you comfort and privacy when they are installed on your window. It is a typical window blind used in countries like Spain, Australia, and other countries. You can check out Blinds Gold Coast, one of the best companies when it comes to window roller blinds.

However, in this piece, you will get more information on how well you can maintain your fabric window roller blinds. So, the following are tips on cleaning your window roller blinds made of fabric.

Vacuuming and Wiping Method

The material of your window roller blinds is essential. For a fabric window roller blind, it is entirely made of Poly Vinyl Chloride material, which means it is waterproof. So, if that is the case, you will require a damp cloth and a vacuum that has brush attachment.

When it comes to vacuuming and wiping the cleaning method, you need to follow the following steps.

  • Pull down the window roller blinds for full extension.

If you are cleaning your roller blinds, you must pull them down entirely for you to access all areas and clean them thoroughly. It will help in preventing decolorization.

  • Vacuum or wipe the fabric roller blinds.

Make sure that you vacuum or wipe both sides of the blinds. Be it you are using your vacuum brush or damp cloth; it is vital as it enables you to remove dust and dirt from the roller blind altogether.

However, it is recommended by experts that you first vacuum then wipe the roller blinds. After cleaning it with a damp cloth, you must leave it to dry before letting it retract.

  • Use Normal Detergents

When it comes to maintaining your window roller blinds, cleaning them can make them tarnish first. So, you require lots of water and detergents that don’t have too much chemical content. For every fifteen milliliters of soap, you should mix it with nine hundred and fifty milliliters of water.

  • Start from the Top

Before you start using the damp cloth or a wet sponge has the soap mixture, you need to start from the top of the window roller blinds to the bottom. That will enable you to clean dirt or dust effectively.

  • Rinse the Sponge or Damp Cloth Numerous Times

Dust or dirt doesn’t come out of the roller blinds with the first wash. It would help if you repeated cleaning the blinds numerous times until they become sparkling clean. Thus, the damp cloth or sponge you will be using make sure that you rinse them severally to avoid dirtying the blinds again.

  • Use Stain Remover

You might find that some stains are hard to remove. Brushing them can damage your screens. The best way is to use a stain remover. But remember it should be a fabric stain remover because your window roller blinds are made of fabric.

Deep Cleaning

Do your blinds have adamant stains? Then the best way to clean them is by deep cleaning. It involves cleaning the roller blinds in a tub.

The following are steps you should take when deep cleaning your fabric window roller blinds.

  • Detach it from the Bracket

Window roller blinds are attached to your window using brackets. If you don’t know how to detach the roller blinds, you can ask for professional advice or research from search engines. After that, you can unravel it to make cleaning easy.

  • Mix Warm Water and Laundry Detergents and Soak it in the Tub

The best way to ensure that deep cleaning of the window roller blinds is effectively cleaned you require the following warm water and laundry detergents. When you are done with mixing them, you can now soak the roller blinds in the tub. Please leave it to soak for an hour or two.

  • Scrub, Rinse, and Dry

Once the hour is done, you can now scrub the roller blinds to remove any remaining stains. Remember to rub both sides of the blind. Then rinse the roller blind with clean water. Also, make sure that there is no detergent remaining. If that is the case, you can go ahead to hang it somewhere for it to dry.

Make sure you fully extend it to ensure it dries thoroughly. Wait for an hour or two if the weather is sunny before you attach it back to the brackets.


To ensure that your house is always elegant, you require every household item to be neat. That means that even your fabric window roller blinds should be clean too. Remember, roller blinds make your house presentable. So, to maintain them, you must clean them.

Use these methods. They will help you in maintaining the window roller blinds for a long time. Thank you for your time. Please share it with other homeowners, friends, and family.

Pavan Rajput

Pavan Rajput is writer. He has written articles on all niche including tech, pet, lifestyle etc. He loves travelling and reading books.

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