How to Make Moving Easier When You Have a Highly Anxious Child

Moving is never easy for a child to handle. If your child is particularly anxious, though, it can be even harder. If you know you’re going to move with an anxious child, you may want to pay attention to the tips below to make the transition easier for everyone involved.

Discuss the Move Early On

It’s always good to give an anxious child plenty of warning when a change is coming. Try to let your child know that there’s a possibility that you are going to move early on, and then inform him or her as soon as you have finalized the details such as when you need to leave your current home, where the new home is, what day you’ll be moving in, and if you need to stay anywhere else in between. While there is a chance that this might exacerbate some anxious tendencies, it can also give you more time to prepare your child for the big move.

Create a Roadmap

Your next step is to start creating a roadmap. While there might be some things that you can’t schedule, start to put relevant items on the calendar so that your child can see that things are getting done. If you are using New Jersey movers for your next move, for example, you’ll want to put the date that they are due to arrive on your calendar. When your child knows what’s coming next, he or she will handle the change better.

Let Them Help

Next, give your child something to be responsible for during this process. When your child can control at least one part of the move, he or she might have a better handle on the rest of the move. A young child, for example, might be given the job of making sure that all of his or her toys are organized before the move. Older kids, on the other hand, might help plan some of the travel details. The more involved they are in the whole process, the more control they will feel over the situation. Additionally, if they have something to do, they’ll have less time to fret about the move.

Make it a Good Thing

Above all else, talk about the move in positive terms. Sell your child on what’s happening, and make it seem like moving is something which he or she can look forward to. There will undoubtedly be negative aspects to your move, but work on finding the bright spots in those areas. If your child is nervous about changing schools, reassure them that you will be there to help and that they are capable of making new friends and adapting. No matter why you’re moving, make sure that you look on the bright side whenever you talk to a child who is suffering from anxiety issues.

Helping an anxious child through a move isn’t easy, but it can be done. Make sure to talk about it early, give the child something to do, and let him or her be part of the positive moving experience. While there will always be some worry, you can mitigate the worst of it by being optimistic and keeping your child involved.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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