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How to Make the Most of Your Retirement

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Merriam-Webster defines retirement as the withdrawal from an active, working life. While work might end for some, most people who retire successfully actually do not withdraw at all. Rather, they immerse themselves in new activities to make the most of this exciting phase of life.

Create a Master Plan

It is well known that a solid financial plan in necessary to retire successfully. Income must cover basic expenses as well as provide discretionary funds so that you can pursue the kind of lifestyle you want. But what kind of retired lifestyle are you aiming for? Do you want to travel, join a club or organization, continue working? Whatever you decide, you need to be sure that your goals are realistic and that your spouse or partner is on the same page.

Prioritize Good Health

In order to carry out the plan, you will need the energy that comes from feeling good every day. The American Heart Association stresses, “It’s time to move it,” as a way to remind us that a regular schedule of physical activity is the first step toward maintaining good health. Aerobic activities are particularly important for maintaining heart health, but they also offer benefits like improving joint flexibility, weight management, and mitigating conditions like diabetes. Good exercises for aging individuals include tennis, swimming, and hiking.

In addition, keep a regular schedule of wellness appointments and address any health problems immediately. These steps, combined with proper nutrition and sufficient sleep will boost your energy so you are better prepared for whatever your day brings.

Spend Time with Family

The world gets smaller as you age, which means that time with family and friends becomes even more important. Find fun activities that will attract the whole family. If you have grandchildren, make your home more child-friendly by adding a play room, swingset, or even a pool (this is a great excuse to spend even more time with them teaching them how to swim). These attractions help give them a reason to visit more often, and cuts down on computer time.

Find Your Passion

A great way to stay energized is to fill your day with pursuits. You can learn a new language, spend a day in the workshop, or just make time for things you’ve always wanted to try. Take up a sport or spend more time reading. See the world, either by taking long trips or day tours to famous and historic monuments. Join a club or other social group to stay in touch with people around you and ward off loneliness — especially if a spouse has passed or family is far away. The goal is to preserve your mental health through actively engaging in activities you enjoy.

Go with the Flow

Acknowledge that there will be days when you want to do everything, and days when you prefer to do nothing at all. Don’t put pressure on yourself to accomplish everything at once. And if you find that you don’t need your life insurance anymore, making a life settlement can provide some extra discretionary funds to spend on your adventure. Retirement means living life by your own schedule, so make the most of it!

Shae Holland

Shae Holland is a freelance writer with 3+ years of copywriting experience. When she’s not reading or writing, she spends her time gardening, hunting, or relaxing with her dogs.