How To Make Your Bedroom Cooler During Summer

The most challenging part of those warm summer months is keeping cool outside in the heat. Second to this, by how much trouble the problem can cause, is keeping your bedroom cool during the summer. 

Nobody wants to sleep through the heat of the summer, and no one can stand one room of the house feeling all hot like outside does. Ensuring that you have proper ventilation and can cool your bedroom down are two ways to keep your bedroom cool. Additionally, reducing heat-making items in your room can keep your bedroom cool throughout the summer months.


Sometimes, it can be challenging to find a family home with well-defined zones that bring your family together without living in a neighborhood with modern house plans. Other times, your bedroom is impossible to keep cool. In these cases, you may need to leave the door open to ensure that your bedroom is cool enough in the summer. 

You will be surprised at how much cooler your room is when you open the door. Even if this change does not solve your problem with a too hot bedroom, it can be part of the solution. Another part of ventilating your bedroom well enough in the summer is to ensure that your vents are open in the room. You need to ensure that your ducts are open because the air conditioning will skip your room entirely if you have them closed. 

Also, proper ventilation will keep the air flowing in your bedroom throughout the summer when it is a bit cooler while the air conditioning is off. With adequate ventilation, you can enjoy summer without stressing about a hundred-degree room. Still, without open vents, none of this is possible.

Cooling Your Bedroom Down

Some houses have an open floor plan that keeps your space private, and others have an air conditioner that does not work well enough to keep you cool all summer. In the latter’s case, you may need an individual air conditioning unit. While the cost can be steep, considering a personal air conditioning unit can be a final change that takes away the summer heat when nothing else will do. 

Suppose it proves impossible to keep your bedroom cool, possibly because of differing temperature desires going on in your house. In that case, a personal air conditioner can keep your room cool during the summer. Ceiling fans may be the best tip for keeping your bedroom cool enough in the summer. These fans are much more powerful than they seem. 

The problem will become that you are so cold that you catch a sniffle instead of too much heat when you start leaving your ceiling fan running a lot. You will find that nothing makes as significant a difference as your ceiling fan when it comes to keeping your bedroom cool enough during the summer heat. 

While it may seem silly, you might not have thought about what a difference your ceiling fan makes when it comes to keeping your bedroom cool during the summer.

Reducing Excess Heat

Turning off excess electronics can be a lifesaver if you cannot seem to get your bedroom cool enough. While it may not seem so, electronics running in the background can warm up your room. It is not problematic to save money on the electrical bill by turning them off either. The heat from significant electronic devices like TVs and computers can raise the temperature in the room if the place they are in is small. 

Additionally, leaving electronics on all the time can have a similar effect in a bigger bedroom. If you would like to keep your bedroom cool in the summer, it may be time to turn off excess electronics. Trouble beating summer heat need not extend into your bedroom. Following along and doing some of these ideas now about how to keep your bedroom cool during the summer can save you a hot, annoying day spent searching around for ways to do so. 

A cool bedroom in the summer will have proper ventilation, a way to cool down, and no excess heat coming from bedroom electronics. So, you can have a reprieve from the summer heat, if only when you retreat into your bedroom.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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