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How to manage stress while preparing for the defence exam?

Exams can be quite stressful and nerve breaking for most of the students. As it is made by keeping very major and minor things in mind. The exam conducting authority usually crafts a particular exam paper that only potential candidates can qualify. The fear of disappointing the parent usually makes the student wake up at night. They all have nightmares that they will not be able to score well in the defence exam. But to relax you a little. We can easily state that it happens with all the students. So you are not the special one who is going through the wave of anxiety.

Handling the stress and utilising it in the right way should be your true aim. The more you work on managing your stress the more you will be able to cope up with things in the right manner. We understand that you must be feeling a lot more drained after experiencing failure two times in the defence exam. Don’t worry, failures are a part of life.

If you haven’t experienced failure at every point of your life then there is no denying the fact that you haven’t faced much in your life. Anxiety and stress if applied in the right direction can become one of the prime reasons for achieving success in the particular defence exam. Fast track the preparation of the NDA exam with the adequate guidance of the right platform offering the best NDA coaching in Chandigarh.

Here are few soulful tips that can help you keep your stress at the fist of your hand:

We have collected the right information so that you will be able to understand the ways in which you can easily manage your stress in the right direction.

Take short break

If you are following the path of continuously studying without giving the gap. Then you are walking in the wrong direction. Not taking breaks can surely make your mind stuffed with lots of things. According to the latest survey most of the students who plan to study continuously usually experience a lack of concentration after studying for 3 hours. Yes, you need to keep in mind that you have to take some time break. However, during the break, you can take a nap or you can roam in the fresh air. We would highly advise you not to use your phone at that time.

As this can put major stress on your mind. So, you really have to find some productive ways through which you can relax your mind in the right manner. Gone are the days when most of the students follow the superstition regarding preparation. Now they know each and everything and usually think that it will surely help them in their defence exam preparation. If cracking the AFCAT exam is your whole sole aim then book your counselling session with the best source offering the best AFCAT coaching in Chandigarh.


This is one such practice that is followed by most of the individuals all around the world. According to them, it is the best practice to enhance the learning ability of any student. If you are facing a wave of stress then you should always try out meditation in the morning. This way you can easily relax your mind and enhance your concepts retaining ability in an extreme manner.  It might be that while preparing for the defence exam you might be feeling restless or anxious. In such cases, you can easily turn your foot toward meditation. You must be thinking about whether this practice seriously gives the result.

Moreover, most of the students expect results after doing meditation for just 2 or 3 days. For receiving the result you have to wait for at least a limited duration. This is a slow process while working on every part of your body. If you aim to dig deep into this ability then try devoting some time to it without any hindrance. If qualifying for the CDS exam is your dream then convert it into reality with the help of the best CDS coaching in Chandigarh.

Take a good night sleep

If preparing for the defence exam means no sound sleep then you are living in the bubble of myths. Good night sleep is the major requirement of the body. If you make your body deprived of that then there is no denying the fact that you must be disturbing the overall performance of the body. Our body usually works the whole day so it requires good night sleep to work again at the same speed.

You can’t study the whole night after that if you expect your body to be in the right shape then you are very wrong. That is not how a human body performs in the right way. The body requires the rest of certain hours so that it can perform in the right manner. Make a proper routine where you sleep for more than six hours in such a manner you will be able to focus on every topic in the right ways.

John Potter

I am a business owner who loves to write about the news, updates, hustles, ideas for various industries. I have my own company that deals in Digital Marketing.