How to Motivate Students to Work Harder

It feels like all people sometimes realize that they procrastinate. They have no desire to conquer new heights or set new goals. They are stuck at the moment feeling no desire to do anything.

It is what most students suffer from on a regular basis as well. Remember that feeling of absolutely no desire to deal with a new big task a tutor gave you? Or remember how hard it was sometimes to get organized and start to work on a long, tedious assignment?

You know you have to start working on it one of these days, but you don’t feel like it and constantly find yourself scrolling down a social network newsfeed or watching a favorite TV show instead of actually dealing with a massive academic workload.

Good teachers know about this issue and typically search for different ways to motivate their students to study, so they don’t procrastinate and lose precious time. So, in this article, we will talk about different ways of helping young people to stay focused and vigorous to achieve more. No matter whether they are writing an essay for college application or crafting a good term paper, it requires motivation. So, let’s see how to help them find it.

Effective ways of keeping students motivated

  1. Remind them of the ultimate goal.

Students should remember that there is an ultimate goal behind their studying. They want to become real professionals, make enough money, see the world, become famous, etc. There are many things good education opens the doors to. So, instead of frightening them with bad grades, think of motivating them with good long-term prospects. They will do a lot better for their own good. So, use this tip!

  1. Use different methods of teaching the material.

Some students need visual aids to memorize valuable information while others learn everything by listening. We highly recommend using various methods of delivering information in order to help the various categories of students to catch up. Bear in mind that there are different character types among the young people you are teaching. So, an introvert will prefer reading the material at home, while an extrovert will enjoy participating in a heated discussion. So, use different activities for better results.

  1. Make the classroom activities rewarding.

Students like it when there is healthy competition in the class. They strive to be the best and lead their peers. So, when you organize a contest and promise to give out rewards to the winners, you encourage healthy competition and, consequently, help the students grow and dig deeper when learning. So, by doing so, you will both raise a generation of leaders and encourage students to learn the material faster and better.

  1. Organize students in groups.

People like to interact in groups. So, if there is any chance that you can give them some time for a simple research, experimenting outside the classroom or project to work on together as a group, go for it. It will let them build connections and learn how to be a team. Such qualities will be of great value in the classroom and in the future career.

  1. Be positive about their accomplishments.

Many teachers express their frustration with the results of students’ work in a way that discourages students from work. So, we highly recommend you to give praise to those young people who do their best in the classroom. Even if they did not do their best, try to notice the little effort they put in and reward them for it. This will show them that their work is appreciated and you pay attention to what they do. Show them that you care.

  1. Give students a chance to rule.

Students want to feel that they have at least some control when in the classroom. You are the most important person in the classroom, for sure. But the effect of giving students a chance to lecture or organize something is usually tremendous. It gives students motivation they lacked as well as develops them as leaders and society members. For instance, some educators allow young people vote for what they want to do in certain classes. They give them options including a discussion, a lecture, some fun activity of their choice, etc. When given a choice, students show creativity and desire to take part in everything that takes place in the classroom.

  1. Make them responsible.

You can come up with different responsibilities around the classroom including the calendar update, pets’ corner care, etc. Put different students in charge of such small responsibilities and let them enjoy the power. Who does not like to feel important? As a result, you will have students who are involved in the classroom life and take an active part in different activities.

  1. Make a scale of how each student grows.

It is up to you but creating a scale which illustrates how each student improves over a period of time might be a good idea which allows students see their own development and strive to achieve better results. It is especially great if you can place this scale in some place where students can see it.

  1. Let them feel safe.

It is particularly the case for students who tend to be rather quiet and introverted. They like it when everything is calm and will only participate in class activities when they feel safe. So, don’t criticize them too much, rather encourage them for improvements than judge for failures. It will help them trust you and strive to achieve more.

There is nothing impossible for a good teacher. They know how to stimulate better performance in the class and keep their students focused and determined. We highly recommend you using these simple tips to motivate your students to work as well. With these simple steps, no procrastination can stand in the way of better grades and performance. Do you have your own secrets of student motivation? Share them in the comment section below!

Lori Wade

Lori Wade is a content writer who used to handling many writing orders at the same time and she likes sharing her ideas and experience. Read and take over Lori’s useful insights!

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