How to Navigate Confusing Medical Diagnoses

Something is wrong with your health. You haven’t been feeling well for some time. You’ve tried home remedies. You have waited it out. Your primary care physician has examined you without any answers. Appointments have been made with several specialists. A variety of medical diagnoses have been suggested, but no one in agreement. You just want answers so you can understand what’s happening to you. If you get to the bottom of it, you hope you can feel better.

Keep Searching for a Correct Diagnosis

You have to be your own advocate. If you aren’t happy with what doctors have told you to date, keep searching for someone who can help you. You just haven’t found the right doctor. There could be someone out there who has dealt with symptoms like yours on a regular basis. Talk to friends, family, and co-workers for recommendations. Do an online search. Ask your doctor for additional resources. Keep knocking on doors until one opens.

Document Your Symptoms and Any Related Factors

Get a journal and write down your symptoms on a daily basis. If you think any of them have been triggered by something in your environment, something you ate, stress, or the fact that you haven’t been sleeping well, make note of it. Your documentation could be the road map your specialist needs to pinpoint what is happening inside your body.


If your condition leads to complications or an increase in medical bills due to lack of assistance from the medical community, contact a misdiagnosis lawyer. You may be able to seek compensation for your expenses. Doctors are here to help you. If they fail to do their job, it can be considered medical malpractice. Your lawyer knows your rights and how the legal system works. If you have a case, pursue it.

Don’t Give Up

No matter how frustrating it is to deal with a mysterious illness, there are support systems available for you. Don’t let a misdiagnosis get the best of you. Continue to do your own research. Try avoiding possible triggers. Look into natural supplements that could improve your quality of life. Find forms of exercise that are possible for you to improve your mental state. Keep in touch with the medical community. Call your primary care doctor on a regular basis until you get the attention you deserve.

Find a support system

When you are first diagnosed with a variety of rare or confusing illnesses it is not uncommon to feel like you are an anomaly and that is a feeling that often becomes a feeling of isolation. When your own family and loved ones can’t understand what you are going through it also starts to affect your emotional health. Look online for groups on facebook for people who are going through the same diagnoses. What may seem dark and scary because it’s unknown can become pacified by other’s experience who have come out on the other side in remission and with a healthy life. Look for hope in other’s stories when you are going through the hardest parts, and one day you can become a support system to new patients.

Going through the unknown is sometimes scarier than an actual diagnoses. Remember to hold your loved ones closed, communicate all your feelings, and that you can have the duality to feel lucky for survival while mourning the changes that will happen.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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