How To Prepare For Your 16 Year-Olds First Drive

If you have a teen that is getting ready to start driving, it can seem like a lot to handle. After all, your baby is about to get behind the wheel. You want to make sure you and they are prepared for it. Luckily, if you use the right strategy you can make sure everything goes off without any problems. So make sure to use the best practices below and you can have peace of mind:


Find Them the Right Car

Getting your teen the right car to drive in is the top priority. They need a car that they can handle. It should be able to deal with different weather conditions to keep them safe and have enough room for their things when going back and forth between work and school.

Of course, they also want to look cool in front of their friends. With some simple research, you can probably find a Chrysler 300 for sale or a similar vehicle that would fit your teen’s needs well. Sedans are great starters and don’t eat up a lot of gas.


Teach Them that Driving is a Privilege

Driving is not a right, but it is a privilege. That’s the mindset you should want to instill in your kids. It will teach them to respect the road and others when driving. It also means they won’t be getting into trouble with police if they get pulled over. This will help them get out of some tickets that could have been avoided.

Of course, there is also the aspect of you being their parent. If you say they can’t drive, then that should be the end of it. Make it clear that they need permission and that if you pay for the car, it is also yours to take away if they don’t behave.


Be Gentle with Criticism

When someone is first starting to drive, it can be nerve wrecking. The last thing you want to do is make them feel like you are going to jump on them for every little mistake. Calmly bring their attention to their mistakes and make them seem easy to correct. In addition, give them as much praise as possible so they can build up their confidence and relax.


Parking Lot Practice

Practicing in a low-stakes environment will be key to helping your teen prepare to drive. If they can turn and swerve in a parking lot without worrying about stop signs, pedestrians, or other cars, then they can make mistakes without a huge consequence. In turn, they will develop their skills faster.


Attach Rewards to It

Consider offering them certain rewards. For instance, as long as they get good grades, then they can drive for longer portions of the day. This makes driving exciting instead of scary.


Teach Them Parallel Parking

One of the biggest challenges to driving is learning how to parallel park. Even advanced drivers have some issues with it. So get some cones and help them practice this skill. It will come in handy down the road.

You can also help them quiz different parts of the driving test they will take. If you are their study buddy, then they will come to with their questions. This helps you maintain a good relationship.


Lay Down the Rules

You don’t want your teen drinking and driving. And you don’t want them spending time with people in their car who will use illegal substances or take advantage of them. Make these rules clear from the start and stick to them.



When it comes to milestones in your kid’s life, getting ready to drive for the first time ranks highly on the list. You might be overwhelmed with understanding how to prepare for it. That is why it’s important to understand and apply the best practices above. That way, you can make sure you have all areas of driving handled, including the right vehicle and mindset.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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