How to Prepare Your First Born for College

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It is essential as a parent to make sure that you prepare your firstborn for college early while they are still in high school. Supporting your child and helping them while still in high school is the first step. This will help your child be ready for college mentally.
There are various things as a parent that you need to do for your child before college. You need to note that teenagers have a different perception of college. You need to support them and also show them they have a chance to choose what they are interested in.
Below are some of the things that you need to do as a parent when preparing your child for college:

First step

Setting the right goals- Most students go through a hard and stressful time in high school. This might influence their decision and perception of college. As a parent, ensure you engage in conversations with your kid about their academic progress. You need to know whether they are happy or not.
You need to offer a healthy environment at home when preparing for college. You can check with the teachers if the child is not happy with their class. Set goals about the grades and help your kid attain them. Without good grades your child won’t make it to college, thus, it should be a priority. You can help your child more by finding the best ACT tutoring online.
Keeping a healthy routine-it is another thing to do while preparing your kid for college. For your firstborn to perform well in school they have to be healthy. You can maintain good health of your kid in various ways. They include eating healthy and having enough sleep. Your kid will be mentally healthy and, thus, will be ready to go to college after high school. A firstborn who is not healthy either physically or mentally cannot enroll in a college.
Have a close relationship with your kid’s high school guidance counselor-The high school counselor knows colleges, their requirements, and admission deadlines. They can also help you to choose which college will be suitable for your child. The guidance counselor might know your kid better than you do.
You can call the guiding counselor or pay a visit to get to know them personally. They can be of much help to you since you can learn about any scholarship, or give you some advice about colleges. Most of the students go for guidance about which course they should take in college. Getting to know your child guidance counselor can help you to learn about all this.

Second Step

Visiting the college is another thing. If you are sure about the college that your firstborn wants to join visit it first, get to see its environment and how things are done. Make sure it will be suitable for your child. You also need to visit other colleges so that you can choose the best. You can sit down with your child and discuss the college that you think will suit them. However, don’t force the kid to join the college of your choice
Encouraging your kid to be involved in activities in the community and inside the school will help in succeeding in college. Most students who do well in their classes engage in extracurricular activities. Therefore, encourage your kid to join sports or even volunteer in community works, hence, such activities can be educational to your kid. They can learn about teamwork, being responsible and disciplined.

Last step

Talk to your kid about social and personal responsibility while in college. It is essential to have this discussion as it may be the first time they will be away from home. The child needs to know the social and personal problems they may face. Talk to them about drinking while underage and its implications. It is essential as many start drinking the first week they enroll in college.
Ensure that you also discuss the expenses and your kid’s budget. Talk to your child about how they will be responsible for how they use their credit card. To make the kid more responsible for their spending ensure that you give a limit.
As a parent, it is essential to start the preparation as early as possible. The child needs to be ready mentally and also physically. Before that time comes, ensure that everything is in order. You should not start rushing to do things when the time for enrollment comes. If you follow the above tips it will be easy to prepare your firstborn for college.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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