How to Prevent Car Theft: A Guide to Keeping Your Car Safe

your car may be your most expensive possession, but if it gets stolen all that money goes to waste. Many people don’t think twice about car theft because they think it only happens in movies.

But the reality is that cars get stolen all the time from even the most secure places.

The best way to protect your car is to take proactive steps, whether that be installing an alarm or parking it in a monitored lot.

Here are a few car security hacks that’ll help…

Car Theft Prevention: The Basics

If you own a classic, have a spare key made. Some companies can do this. Find a partner to get you a cheap yet authentic fake. Never leave a spare key in the car. This makes it easier to break into your car when you’re not there.

If you drive a classic car or a sports car, it’s wise to take them into a private parking area to avoid being a target. Don’t leave keys in the vehicle or leave them unattended, or you’ll get them stolen. Don’t leave the key in the ignition or under the seats. These are the two most common places where a thief will go for it. Keep your car in a garage or a covered carport, where it’s protected from the elements.

These days it’s not unusual to park your car outside your home with the engine running. So, if someone does decide to take it you may not see them, but chances are they can still get into your car.

An alarm is the best way to deter thieves. If they can’t open the door of your car without getting a key, they won’t be able to steal it!

Determine Your Risk

Research what other cars have been stolen from around you and how long the crimes occurred. Make a list of places where you do business or frequent, and see if you see the same kind of cars. Find secure parking spots or parking garages and don’t leave your car unattended. Install an alarm on your car and lock your car with the remote key (because if you have a classic and you lock it up with the key it’ll be easier to break into).

This way if it is stolen, it won’t be able to start and drive away. Also, install a steering wheel lock and an ignition immobilizer, a device that prevents your car from starting if you forget to lock it. Park in a colored spot at night, you won’t be able to see the color of the car if it’s parked in the darker parts of the parking lot. Also, by parking in a well-lit area, you can clearly see the car and maybe passersby can too.

Most of the high-end parking garages have an option for you to pay for parking online. There are plenty of free parking lots on the street too, so if you prefer to park that way, always make sure to check your parking meter before leaving.

Install a GPS Tracker

If your car is stolen, they’ll sell it off and you won’t be able to find it again, which can be a real downer.

But with a GPS tracker, you’ll know exactly where it is and you can inform the police. That’s why you should consider adding a GPS tracker to your car. You can use them on a portable GPS tracker device, which you attach to your keychain, or in a separate device that sits in your car and can relay its location in real-time to a smartphone app or website.

No matter which device you choose, the tracking technology can help keep your car away from opportunistic thieves and increases the value of your car if you ever decide to cash it in. This can be especially useful if your car is parked in a public area.

Don’t Leave Your Valuables in the Car

Make sure your vehicle is secure, especially when you’re not parked. That includes valuables such as purses smartphones, watches, and anything else you wouldn’t want to leave in the car if you had to.

But just making sure you put away any money you were going to use in the car isn’t enough…. lock your doors. Never leave them unlocked, even if you’re just going to grab a snack from the supermarket. Even though you think you’re being safe by leaving your car unlocked, thieves are always one step ahead of you.

Take the extra step to lock your doors because you can never be too safe.

Never Leave Your Papers in Your Car

If a car thief finds your registration and papers in the car, they hit the jackpot. That’s because it allows them the cruise around and gets pulled up by police, still, show credentials, and get away with it…

That’s why you should never leave your papers in your car, keep them with you in your wallet or on you at all times.


Anshed Mulla is the Managing Director of Sell Your Motors in the UAE. Sell Your Motors is a company that offers car buying services in Dubai. For over 10 years, Sell Your Motors has been a noteworthy company in the automobile trading industry; offering professional purchasing services that reached thousands of people in the UAE.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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