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How to prevent cataract

Fourth common visual problem besides Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism, is cataracts.

Cataract is the visual problem that is closely connected to patient’s age. You could say that almost everybody over 65 years experienced visual problems as a consequence of cataracts.

image 1Cataracts manifest as cloudiness in the patient’s eye. To be more precise, lens becomes damaged and “cloudy”. If we look at the cross-section of an eye, we’ll see that the lens is positioned behind the pupil, and its purpose is to focus the light on the retina (the part of the eye that is responsible for seeing). Lens itself is transparent protein made tissue. Over time, as consequence of different trigger factors protein is being damaged and becomes slightly opaque.

Cases of cataracts detected on birth are a result of health conditions such as diabetes, for example. But the more common cases of cataracts are those developed during aging process.

Modern medical researchers discovered ways cataracts develop over the time. It is claimed that the destructive molecules, known as free radicals, are responsible for damaging proteins in eye lens. The amount of free radicals in human body is closely connected with patient’s life style. Smoking, for example, increases the amount of free radicals in a human body.

Considering that someone’s life style influences development of cataracts, it logical that changing the existing life style may prevent or slow down cataracts development.070630-N-6278K-002

As you have red in passages above of cataracts symptoms, here are some suggestions how to actually prevent cataracts from occurring in the first place:

No studies have proved how to prevent cataracts or slow the progression of cataracts. However, doctors think several strategies may be helpful, including:

Eye examinations

Having regular eye examinations will help detect any changes in the eye in time, and in their earliest stages. Let your doctor suggest how often you should have your checkups. This will probably depend on your current state of eye condition.

Quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake

Even though quitting smoking sounds like an epic effort and an action far beyond your will power, you have to ‘sacrifice’ and quit. Actually, you are not even sacrificing; you are helping yourself get healthier. Counseling, medications and several other strategies are available to you. In case you can’t quit, at least make the number of cigarettes per day minimal. As for alcohol intake, abusing alcohol increases the risk of cataracts which is why you need to be smart about alcohol consumption.


Wearing sunglasses will at least a bit protect they eyes from ultraviolet light from the sun. Make sure the glasses you wear block ultraviolet B (UVB) rays when you’re outdoors.

Nutrition and weight

Try to live on a healthy diet, rich in vitamins. Opt for a diet with a lot of vegetables and fruits as these will ensure that you’re getting many vitamins and nutrients. Your eyes will be healthier with the help of many antioxidants contained in veggies and fruits.

Further, it is highly important that you maintain a healthy weight. In case you are overweight or obese, start working out to lose the extra fat and reduce calorie intake. If you have a healthy weight, maintain it.

Overall health

If you have any condition diagnosed, follow through with your medication and treatment plan.

Even though these haven’t officially been confirmed as 100% prevention from getting cataracts, they sure are a way to a healthier life and therefore the risk of cataracts is mineralized. If you feel like your vision is getting more compromised as days go by, don’t fail to pay a visit to your doctor… he will surely suggest different kinds of methods to deal with your condition, depending on the state your eyes are in.



Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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