How to Properly Care for a Clogged Drain Without Damaging Chemicals

There are few things as disheartening as realizing that a drain in your home isn’t draining properly. The good news is that if this happens to you, there are several options available to help clear the clog for good. Even better is that many of these options avoid the use of harsh chemicals that could pose a hazard to you and your home’s drains.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

While most people combine baking soda and vinegar simply to create a cool chemical reaction, these two ingredients can make for a powerful cleaner when used in the correct way. After putting baking soda down the clogged drain, follow it with vinegar, then immediately follow that with a towel to prevent the gases from escaping the drain. As the two products expand, they will clean and dissolve any clogs that stand in their way.


Some clogs call for more than a simple home remedy can offer. In that case, it’s time to call in the assistance of a local plumber. One great method that plumbers have available to clear clogged drains is hydro-jetting. This method involves using a high-pressure stream of water sent directly down the drain to dislodge any clogs through force. As long as the pressure is carefully controlled, there is no risk of damage to any drains.


While a plunger is well-known for its ability to remove clogs from toilets, you may be able to use it to clear other clogs, as well. By putting towels in the other drains in your home, you can use the plunger to create a force that’s strong enough to remove clogs. This method works especially well in bathtubs, where the large drain size prevents other clog-removal methods from working effectively.

Drain Auger

Although there are other more advanced methods, a drain auger still offers a great option. If you know what you’re doing, a drain auger can be used to remove clogs that are too far down a drain to be reached by other methods. If you use a power auger, make sure to feed it slowly so that you don’t damage your drain pipes. Because you won’t need to use a power auger very often, most people prefer to hire a plumber to come and use an auger rather than buying and storing their own.

Similar to this is snaking the drain with a store-bought drain snake, This is for clogs that are within a foot or so of the drain itself and are composed of things that can be caught and dragged out, like hair or similar fibers. Cleaning out a drain this way is tough and smelly work, but it’s often necessary if you don’t have an effective drain catcher to stop hair and fibers from building up in a drain.

If you attempt a home remedy for your clogged drain, the most important ingredient is patience. You may not be able to immediately remove the clog from your drain, meaning you need patience during multiple attempts to remove the clog or while waiting for the clog to dissolve. With enough patience, though, you should be able to get your clog removed and restore the full function of your drain.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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