How to Protect from UV Rays? Get Best SPF Products

Ultraviolet rays or the UV rays are quite a challenge to miss and to protect yourself against. During summer and other times of the year, you are always exposed to a certain amount of sun rays that tend to affect your skin negatively. Being exposed to increased sun rays can cause terminal infections and diseases such as cancer. Avoiding the sun is not always the best solution as you cannot stay indoors forever. You will need to move and seek the sun every once in a while to acquire essential vitamins obtained from the sun.

Furthermore, staying indoors can be unhealthy and still, you are affected by sun rays that stream through the windows and doors. To assist you with that, here are some of the best ways to protect yourself against UV sun rays.

Use Sunscreen

Sunscreens are special beauty or skin care products that protect you against sun rays such as UV rays. Using the best SPF for the face is advised on a continuous of frequent rate protects you against attack by the sun rays. In addition, it prevents possible effects from diseases such as skin cancer. Furthermore, there is a wide variety of choices associated with using sunscreen as it is available in many beauty products such as lotions, creams, gels, sprays among others. It is important to select the best sunscreen product or make up cosmetics that contain the right amount of sunscreen in their formula.

Read Product Labels

It is important to know and understand which type of product you are purchasing. It is essential that you read the labels before making the final purchase. For example, Sunscreens come in many forms. There are broad spectrum sunscreens, water proof or resistant sunscreens among others. It is important to know the type of sunscreen you want to use on your skin or face. Furthermore, you have to check the SPF number or the sun protection factor and ensure that it is broad spectrum. This means that it will protect you against both the UVA sun rays and the UVB sun rays that have different but adverse reactions when they come into contact with the skin.

Protective Clothing

Apart from wearing broad spectrum sunscreen protection as the best SPF for face, it is also important to put on protective clothing that prevents excessive sun rays from penetrating into the skin. Protective clothing are clothes that cover each and every inch of your skin such that it is not exposed to the sun. It has been said that long sleeved shirts, t- shirts and trousers protect your skin more. In addition, wearing dark colored clothes is said to be safer as they absorb the sun rays transforming them into heat compared to brighter clothes. Furthermore, you are advised not to wear wet clothes when exposed to the sun as they are prone to passing the sun rays further onto the skin. Wear dry clothes to ensure that you are adequately protected at all times.

Hats and Sun Glasses of shades

The face is the most affected area of the body and skin due to its continued exposure to the sun on a continuous rate. It is, therefore, the most prone to effects caused by UV sun rays including cases such as the sun burns, increased sun damage and medical conditions such as skin cancer. The eyes, your ears, nose, and the scalp are most prone to such conditions. Therefore, wearing hats and sunglasses is advised whenever you are going into the sun. This means that you should apply the best SPF for face and also add some glasses or shades and hats to the mix for better protection.

Avoid Using Tanning Beds

Tanning beds have increased in number, and their use is being passed off as safe and efficient especially if aiming for a skin tan. However, this is not the case because the tanning beds emit similar heats and rays as the sun. The UV rays produced have a similar effect on your skin that would be seen if you were sitting in the sun. To avoid this, select a better tanning option such as tanning lotion and avoid using the tanning beds.


Protecting the skin from UV rays is paramount for each and every individual. This is mainly because the side effects that occur are quite extensive and adverse to your general body health and skin appearance. Following the above methods, you are assured of a better protection from the sun and UV rays. Try out the methods and use the above tips to ensure better protection at all times.

Kathy Mitchell

Kathy Mitchell was born and raised in USA. She has done MA in English literature and she loves to write articles on health and beauty.

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