How to Repair the Damaged Siding

Have you noticed weak or flailing pieces of your siding on your home lately? Maybe a storm recently rolled through, or maybe your house has finally fallen victim to age. Whatever the reason, read on to learn how to repair damaged siding on your home. 

Survey The Damage

The first step is to take a closer look at the damage and how severe it is. If most of the siding is falling apart, you’ve probably been aware of this for a while at this point, but more than likely you are noticing just a few small pieces that have been damaged. 

If your home was built earlier than the 80’s it’s extremely important to test for asbestos, as asbestos was a common ingredient in most siding materials due to its cheap cost and extreme fire-retardant abilities. If you suspect asbestos, the rules change drastically as to how to repair the siding. 

If you are asbestos-free, continue on with your repairs as follows


The first step you want to take is to remove the damaged pieces. This is best done by scoring down the loose siding materials with a hammer. A utility knife may be a handy helper in this process as well. 

After the damaged pieces are removed, be sure to remove all the nails from the siding as well, or you will end up fighting with them later on. 

Freize Board

If your house has a freize board, it’s important to replace the board on this step. The freize board provides an attractive finish, and it is commonly damaged when pulling out siding. The freize board also provides a settling place for the new siding. 


When everything else is ready, you can begin replacing the damaged siding. Of course, you want to make sure that you have the exact same color and style of siding that is on the rest of your house unless you’re looking for a one of a kind house that everyone stares at. 

It’s important to remember that the colors may vary slightly as your siding has probably been exposed to the elements for many years, while your new replacement siding is brand new and hasn’t seen the elements yet. But not to worry, they will end up looking the same in a short period of time. 

When replacing the siding, some experts recommend using the same holes for the nails. This may not be the best course of action though, as those holes may be enlarged and less supportive. It’s important to inspect the holes, and the wood behind them before making this decision. 

If you choose to renail the holes, make sure to do them as close to the previous holes vertically as possible. By doing so, you ensure that you continue to use the studs. Hopefully, the previous contractor was able to find the studs. If not, you will know once you begin nailing the new siding in and don’t feel any resistance. 


While replacing siding may be a fairly straightforward task, there are a lot of variables to consider when making the choice to do it yourself. The color of the new siding may annoy you when comparing it to the tired siding that’s on the rest of your house. There is also the fear of your siding containing asbestos. At the end of the day, only you know if doing it yourself is the best option, or if you should seek the help of a professional. 

Emily Browne

I'm Emily Browne, a web content enthusiast. I have been working as a content writer for three years and I like to contribute articles on different niches to explore knowledge.

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