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How To Retire Rich: Our Expert Guide

Let’s face it, we spend our entire lives working, and worrying about money. When you finally put your feet up and retire, money should be the last thing on your mind. Your golden years are all about relaxing, and taking a well-earned rest. It’s time to see the world, get lost in a new hobby, or just spend time with your family. Don’t let the worry of bills and finances get in the way. Instead, retire rich! I know, I know, it’s easier said than done. Today, we’ll show you the basics, so you can enjoy your golden years.

Start early

We often get questions from our readers about when they should start a pension fund. Well, the truth is that it’s never too early. If you’re in your twenties, start now! You’ve got a great headstart on everyone else, and it’s a chance to build up an enormous sum of money. Not only that, but it’s less strain on your finances when you hit your 40s and 50s. We’re not talking about a lot of money; just a small portion of your income will help build that pot. If you’re reading this and haven’t started a pension plan, it’s time to start.

Take the free money!

A lot of companies now offer a 401k pension plan. In many cases, they’ll match your contributions equally. Let’s say you put in $100 every month from your paycheck. Your company will match that amount, giving you a healthy $200 every month. It might not seem like much, but that’s $24 over ten years. Take advantage of any free money via a 401k. You won’t find a better way to build up your pension pot.

Get on the property ladder

Over time, the property market pays out in a big way. If you look at any property market graph, the general direction is upwards. If you can get on the property ladder now, you can ride the wave over the next few decades. It means the value in your house will rise significantly, taking your personal wealth with it. In some areas, house prices are currently rising at 30-40% per year. You can’t afford to sit on the sidelines with this one!


Start investing

The stock markets often seem like a terrifying and daunting place. But, it’s actually much safer and easier than you think. This is particularly true if you stick to a long term strategy. Follow the stock market live prices, and find the perfect time to enter an investment. Stick to reliable ‘blue chip’ stocks like Google, Visa, and Disney, and you’re bound to increase your money over time. Like the property market, stocks rise over decades, and you’ll ride the wave.

Increase your savings

Finally, put as much as possible away every single month. Learning to tighten the purse strings will help build that pension pot, and enforce good habits. Use this savings money to invest in shares or property. The key is making your savings work harder for you.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site