How to Reward Yourself for Completing Your New Year’s Resolutions

Being able to say that you completed your New Year’s resolutions is something to be proud of. Whether you set a goal to exercise more often or to compete in a marathon, you deserve to celebrate the moment when you knew that you had accomplished a major feat. Giving yourself a tangible reminder of the importance of hard work helps to set your mind on accomplishing even more. At this time of year, we can be focused on establishing new goals, but take the time the first month of 2020 to reward yourself for hitting last year’s, even if you only completed some partial resolutions.

Align the Rewards with Your Goals

While you might celebrate your birthday or other milestones by going out to dinner, the last thing you want to do is sabotage one of your resolutions. If your resolutions had to do with health, then eating a heavy meal or consuming an alcoholic beverage may do little to make you feel better. Instead, choose rewards that make sense considering what you have accomplished. Aligning your rewards with your goals helps to reinforce the whole purpose of choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. Think about rewarding yourself by spending time with friends instead.

Upgrade Your Athletic Gear

After working hard on meeting your New Year’s resolutions, you can bet that your athletic clothes have also had quite the work out. Give yourself a non-food reward by picking up a new piece of clothing that makes you want to get out there and keep exercising. For instance, running shorts with pockets are designed to provide you with a place to store your essentials without minimal bounce to disrupt your pace. You’ll look forward to wearing your new clothes so much that you’ll even want to squeeze in an extra workout.

Pick a Reward That Reminds You of Your Progress

You should also pick out rewards that you can use to help you stay motivated. For instance, putting on your new athletic clothing will instantly remind you of why you upgraded in the first place. You can also use rewards such as having a professional photo taken to give yourself a visual reminder of the progress you make over the year. If you had a resolution made to save money, you can reward yourself by planning for a vacation or by paying off a major bill in its entirety. If your goal was to be kinder to others, take some time and be kind to yourself.

Indulge in Some Pampering

In addition to getting new clothes and a photo shoot, you can reward yourself with experiences that help you relax. For example, you might want to stop by the spa after a heavy workout session to enjoy a sports massage. Easing any discomfort that you have after a workout helps you to be ready to hit the road running when it is time the next day. Don’t feel guilty for relaxing—remember, you earned this.

Completing your resolutions is something to be excited about, but you also want to remember that mastering one goal means that it is time to set up another one. This year, keep up your momentum by planning small rewards that you can enjoy as you work toward the larger goal. You’ll enjoy the mental boost that comes with recognizing your achievements as you continue to go the distance.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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