How to Save Money When Hiring a Roofing Installer

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Your property’s roof is built to last for decades, but it can sustain heavy damage from natural calamities and human-induced damage over time. Whether it’s a hurricane blowing the shingles off your roof or mildew and mold growing in its bones, you may need to repair or replace your roof at some point. If today’s that day, here are six tips on how to find a reliable roofing installer while saving money in the process.

Know the Specifics of What You Need Done

Not knowing the extent of roofing damage can result in getting upsold by your contractor. A half-a-day job that should’ve cost you a couple of hundred dollars can turn into a month-long project that would slap you with thousands of dollars in services. Do you simply need damaged joists or plywood to be replaced? Do you need a new layer of insulation installed? Perhaps replace a ventilation system? Knowing everything there is to know about your pending roofing project will help you determine which contractor best fits the job.

Ask For a Free Service Quote

A contractor will come to your home or business and inspect the work to be done. They can then give you a more accurate estimate afterward. Legitimate businesses, specifically service contractors, often provide a complimentary service quote, meaning you are not obligated or pressured to secure the contractor’s services once they’ve given you a bid or estimate. If you have little to no experience working on roofing projects, you’ll want to schedule a free consultation with a professional new river valley roofing company to determine the extent of labor needed.

Choose Between Independent Contractors and Roofing Companies

Independent roofing contractors are typically more affordable than roofing companies, and they usually handle 100 percent of the labor, which is ideal if they do high-quality work. A drawback, however, is that independent contractors may take longer to complete even the simplest of projects since they perform all the work themselves. Roofing companies, on the other hand, often bring a more decorated portfolio of past projects and references that vouch for their experience and trustworthiness. These companies also set strict standards when hiring employees, often requiring them to be certified and licensed, which ensures that you get consistent high-quality work done.

Look For Insurance and Warranty

These two things are often overlooked when comparison shopping for service providers. The work that your roofing contractor does may seem great initially, but if they replace parts and these parts start to cause trouble in a month or two, you’d want a product or service warranty to cover the new replacement parts and labor needed to install them again. Insurance is equally invaluable when working with a roofing contractor. If your contractor’s actions result in personal injury or property damage, the cost should be covered by his/her insurance otherwise you risk paying for it out of pocket.

Secure Referrals From Trusted People

Referrals are a no-cost means of finding reliable contractors in your area. Friends and neighbors who’ve used the services of a contractor and were satisfied with the work are glad to refer you to their contractor. If they’ve had a bad experience with a contractor in the past, they also are not afraid to give you some warning. This way, referrals can organically filter out the bad roofing installers from the good ones.

Have Everything Put in Writing

All agreements reached between you and your roofing installer should be put in writing and signed by both parties before any actual labor is performed or any products/materials are purchased. If working with a roofing company, make sure that the agreement covers safety concerns and liabilities, particularly workers’ compensation. The agreement should also detail things, like clean-up methods, payment amounts, and work schedule. This will help you avoid unpleasant surprises later on, such as surcharges and vendor claims.

Ultimately, you get what you pay for. While the cheapest bid might be the easiest road to saving the most money for your roofing installation, it’s not always the best bet. If the work produces subpar results, you can end up paying more money for further repairs and replacement parts. Aim for a roofing contractor who can blend professional experience with affordability.

Lizzie Howard

Lizzie Howard is a Colorado native who after graduating from the University of Colorado spends her time as a freelance writer. She bakes for family and friends.