How to Stave off Cancer in Your Lifetime

Cancer has long been among the leading causes of death in the United States and around the world. If you want to prolong your life and maintain your good health for as long as possible, you should do everything you can to avoid this nasty disease. While there’s no way to completely eliminate the possibility of getting cancer, there’s plenty you can do to lower the risk. Here are just four of the many ways you can try to stave off cancer.

Quit Smoking and All Other Tobacco Use

Smoking and other forms of tobacco use represent the single biggest cause of cancer around the world. As you would imagine, inhaling carcinogens into your lungs is not the best way to go about maximizing your life expectancy. Quitting, of course, is rarely easy. Smoking is an important part of many people’s lives, and for many, the habit is compounded by a serious physical addiction. With that being said, a determined smoker can quit with the right strategy. Staying away from tobacco is one really great way to help limit the likelihood of you developing cancer.

Avoid Sun Damage

Damage from the sun is directly responsible for potentially-deadly skin cancers. While moderate amounts of sunlight can boost your mood and give your body essential vitamin D, too much sun is extremely dangerous. Limit your exposure during the brightest midday hours, and always use sunscreen when you don’t have access to shade. You might crave a deep tan or enjoy the feeling of the sun on your back, but these things are hardly worth dying for. Getting a tan is still a burn, just not as intense of one. Sun damaged, cancerous skin is one of the most common forms of the disease.

Limit Infections

Many common infections, from hepatitis to AIDs, can increase your risk of cancer. The best way to avoid these infections is by refusing to participate in risky behavior. Be sure to avoid unsafe sexual practices, and never share needles or other intimate pieces of equipment that could increase the likelihood of infection. Limiting infections can help make your life a lot easier than it would be if you got lots of infections. This can help you be healthier overall. Therefore, be sure to keep your immune system as strong as possible.

Visit a Cancer Center

In addition to the above mentioned individual preventative measures, you should also take advantage of the benefits of modern medicine. Nowadays, regular screening can detect cancer in its earliest stages, greatly increasing your chances of survival. Check in with a local cancer center or other medical institution to inquire about screenings, examinations, and other preventative procedures. Be sure to eat your vegetables and stay away from processed foods. These commonly contain lots of additives, preservatives, and other chemicals that are known to be carcinogenic.

While these are far from the only ways to decrease your chances of developing cancer, they certainly represent a good place to start. When you adopt healthy practices, you give your body the best possible chance to stave off deadly disease.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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