How to Survive the Outdoors Without Giving Up Electronics & Fancy Gadgets

Technology is the great equalizer. Modern technology has turned roughing it on its ear—camping has never been so luxurious! Modern technology allows camping enthusiasts to bring their most prized gadgets along. These gadgets make camping and trekking outdoors a luxury experience. If you’re looking for ways to upgrade your next camping trip, you won’t want to live without the following gadgets:

1. Camp Stove

If you’re a hiker, you won’t want to go on a day-long hike without the BioLite stove. Instead of using wood or pellets, this stove lets campers turn items they find along the way like pine cones and twigs into stove fuel, according to the Treehugger website. The price is right, too. It’s only about $130.00.

2. NEMO Helio Pressure Shower

Sometimes, there’s nothing like a good shower to make you feel human after a long day of fishing or hiking. It can also be quite relaxing if you’ve been in the heat or have been physically exerting yourself. Often, however, people don’t typically take a shower when they go camping. However, if you know you can’t live without that daily shower, you might try the Helio Pressure Shower. According to Men’s Fitness, it uses the power of gravity to move the water out of the unit. A foot pump helps regulate the pressure. This way, you don’t have to go back home smelling like someone who has been marinating in dirt, campfire smoke, and sweat for days. This is definitely something that you might want to consider having on your campout if you’re going to be camping for more than a day or two.

3. Portable Charger

If you can’t live without your Kindle, new Samsung S8, laptop or what have you because you don’t want to miss out on a few work emails, social texts, or the latest video posted by your favorite YouTuber, going outside and camping might be a bit hard for you. However, that’s why a portable charger, like those from TYLT, might be an important thing for you to get so that your experience could be more endurable. Such chargers come in various sizes and setups, allowing you to choose the power source that will best fit your camping needs. This way, you don’t have to worry about needing to have a load of extra batteries on hand or get stressed out by the things that still need to be done even though you’re camping—like paying bills, writing up reports for work or school, etc.

4. Espresso Maker

Espressos and macchiatos might have spoiled coffee-drinking campers. Fortunately, if you’re one of them, you can now have your daily espresso if you have the Handpresso Wild Hybrid handheld espresso maker. It takes no more energy to make your coffee than it does to pump up a bike tire. Hot water and a hand pump allow you to make the perfect cuppa when you’re on the trail.

Nowadays, you don’t have to camp without your favorite gadgets. Technology has made camping with your morning espresso and daily shower entirely possible. Moreover, the travel charger allows you to bring along items like computers and phones and use them no matter where you are. Finally, a proper camp stove makes stopping for dinner while you’re on the trail a warm and tasty treat.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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