How to Take Good Care of Your Health in 9 – 5 Working Routine?

Does this question sound familiar to you? Or are you the one who is earning good but compromising on your health? Then brace yourself because this post focuses on the mental struggle rather than the physical one.

Before going to the actual remedy, let’s have a brief look at what the issue really is.

The 9 – 5 Delusion

Being a full-time employee, you are obliged to give your best for 8 straight hours, 5 days a week. At some workplaces, another hour adds in, making it 9. Phew, what a nightmare in daylight!

If you give it a thought, there are people in the world who follow the same work routine, but they are way physically fitter and emotionally happier than many of us. Do you know why? It’s because they have deciphered the code behind the 9 – 5 job timings. They work like us, and they even get the same pay. But when it comes to the comparison of health, they beat us the pants off! They look like 30 when they reach the 50s, and we directly touch 50 after 30, skipping all the middle years in making money & money & money! Pathetic!

What Are We Doing?

Our daily routine sucks! We wake up for the job, we come back home and prepare for tomorrow to go for the job, and this cycle iterates till we hit a point in life when we realize that we’ve become too fatigued to run, too weak to brawl, and too fragile to choose between emotion and intellect.

But wait, it’s never too late to get your health back.

“When there is time, there is hope.” 

To start taking care of your health while doing a job from sunrise to sunset, you just have to be mindful of your mental capability. Your body will do the rest.

Let’s start. 

Find a Reason to Stay Healthy

Sounds ridiculous, right? The mind games often look absurd until you become wise enough to know the wisdom. The same goes for finding a reason to stay healthy. Let me give you my Why of staying healthy:

“After keeping us alive, health is the biggest gift from God. If I lose health, how can I fulfill the responsibilities that were given to me in my purpose of life?”

Your reason may vary, and believe me; you have to find the Why because things without reason don’t stay for long.

Train Your Mind

Be the master of yourself by controlling your mind. Your mind is in your control, and to prove that, you have to accomplish those tasks which your mind has made look difficult.

For example, no one wants to leave their warm blanket on a winter morning because your mind tells you that it’s too difficult, keep sleeping. No! That’s difficult, but not impossible. The first step is the hardest. Whenever your mind tries to manipulate you, pull the leash of your brain and jump out of your bed. Only then will you see how you subjugate your mind.

There are some digital solutions available also that train your mind in an optimum way. You can check out the Noom review 2021 for a fitness coach who virtually tricks your mind and makes you capable enough to beat every challenge that stands between you and your health goals.

By training your mind to wake up early in the morning, drinking something healthy, and start losing calories, your body will tune itself in a week or two, and your journey of a healthy lifestyle in 9 – 5 working hours will begin.

Don’t Follow a Strict Diet Plan

Funny again, huh? It is not! Some people endure every pain that comes in their way of becoming fit, but they fail when it comes to the diet plan. You have to keep eating what you eat regularly, just in a planned way. Strict diet plans are the best demotivators for people who are not celebrities.

An organized diet plan is easy to understand, affordable on the pocket, and delicious for the tongue. If you are conscious about the diet plan, a promotion is giving 90% off at Noom. Their diet plans are so simple, tasty, and effective.

Again, you have to train your mind in following the suggested diet plan to see improved results. Once you see the change in numbers on the weighing machine, you will laugh at yourself because it was your mind that fooled you, nothing else!

Final Words

To stay healthy, all you have to do is to manipulate your mind. And believe me, it’s not that difficult. Once you find a reason to do something, your mind will accept that, and your body will follow in the same direction. This formula is not limited to staying healthy only, but almost for everything that’s created for us in this universe.

Make sure you remain consistent in following the healthy lifestyle in a 9 – 5 job life because getting out of your comfort zone is not everyone’s cup of tea, but staying in that clumsy circle is the easiest thing one can do.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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