How to tell if you are at Risk of Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder is a mental disease. If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, your response to situations becomes filled with fear, your heart may beat abnormally, and you may sweat abnormally. If you are unable to control how you respond to issues you are facing and are overwhelmed by worry and fear, it is time you visited a San Diego anxiety physician for a test.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Panic Disorder

If you have panic disorder, you will experience sudden and repeated pangs of terror. These may cause sweating, palpitations, feeling of choking, and chest pains, which make you feel like you are experiencing a heart attack.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD develops after you have experienced a terrifying event such as an accident, sexual assault, or sudden death of a relative, among others. These events tend to make you emotionally numb.

Social Anxiety Disorder/ Social Phobia

When you have a social anxiety disorder, you tend to be very conscious about typical daily situations, which overwhelms you with worry. You are worried about other people judging you, and start to behave in a manner likely to cause ridicule and embarrassment.

Specific phobias

Specific phobia occurs when you develop intense fear towards objects and situations such as flying or height. You respond to such by a high level of fear, likely to make you avoid common, everyday activities.

Generalized anxiety disorder

This disorder makes you have unrealistic and excess tension, even in situations that do not warrant such.

When to See a Doctor

It is normal for you to be anxious. However, when you feel distressed and unable to live a normal life, you should consider visiting a doctor. You could be getting anxious due to an underlying medical condition.

Risk Factors for Anxiety

You are at higher risk of suffering from anxiety disorder if you experience the following:

  • Trauma. If you experienced or witnessed traumatic events such as abuse in the past, you are at a high risk of developing anxiety disorder later in life.
  • Stress due to illness: You are likely to get worried and stressed about your future if you are ailing.
  • Stress buildup: You may be anxious when small stressful situations such as divorce, death of a loved one, and poor financial performance pile up and trigger anxiety.
  • Other mental health disorders: You are at risk of anxiety if you have other mental disorders such as depression.
  • Genetics: If you come from a lineage with a history of anxiety disorder, this can predispose you to the mental disease.
  • Drugs or alcohol. Drug and alcohol abuse can cause or magnify anxiety. Withdrawal from drugs can also be a cause of anxiety disorder.

Anxiety can make you have a poor assessment and develop negative thoughts. At MindSet, our professionals will conduct physical examinations and health history, and discuss your symptoms to help you get to the bottom of your anxiety. You should get the acupuncture done from a licensed professional. You should start feeling better in a matter of weeks, after which you can decide whether to continue with the treatment. Throughout treatment, patients have additional EEGs to evaluate progress and refine the PrTMS therapy. This ongoing evaluation gives the team at MindSet the ability to use the lowest possible TMS intensity to achieve optimal results.

Most patients at MindSet experience an improvement in their anxiety and OCD symptoms within several weeks of when their PrTMS treatments begin. Though not as common, patients may notice results within a few days. Visit us today to schedule an appointment to help you embark on your journey to recovery.

Albert Adam

Hi, I'm Albert. I'm very passionate about my work. Even I'm very fond of blogging as it enhances my knowledge about the various aspect of the internet.

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