How to Tell if Your Collectors Items have Increased in Value

The antique industry is booming right now, and those collectible items that you have may be worth a lot more money than they were in the past. The online market for antiques has increased greatly, and you may be curious as to how much your item has increased in value. There are several ways that you can do this.

Get Them Professionally Appraised

The easiest way and one of the most accurate ways to make sure that you are getting your collectibles appraised correctly is to hire a professional antique appraiser. A professional antique appraiser specializes in appraising techniques. Professional appraising will cost you some money, but it is worth it if you want to find out the price of your item.

Antique Price Guide

If you do not want to go to a professional appraiser, you can get an antique price guide and read it. One of the most popular antique pricing guides is the Kovels Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide. They have over one million items listed along with their value. You can also look online to see various price guides. I

Online Appraisal Sites

With antiques becoming very popular, the need for online appraisers rose. There are many sites that will allow you to get an accurate look at what your collectible item is now worth. To have your collectible appraised, you will want to take quality pictures of it and then upload them to the site. You will also want to include any information about the item and whether or not there are any markings on it. After you have done this, you will submit and then wait for a few days until they have reviewed your item. They will then tell you what you have and how much it is valued today. There are even a few apps that you can download onto your smartphone that can help you with the appraisal of your collectible items.

Value Your Own Items

Another way that you can check on the value of your collectible is to go online and research it for yourself. Go to one of the search engines and type in a description of what you have, or you can even upload a picture. If you cannot find anything, there are websites and message boards that are geared towards antique items that may help you to find what they are worth. If you upload a picture to the message board, someone who is knowledgeable about your item can help you to figure out its value.

In addition to checking with message boards and websites, you will also want to check out the 2020 Cost Per Inflation (CPI) as inflation prices can guide how much a collectible is worth now.

Another thing you can do is to check out the site eBay. On eBay, people will list their antiques for sale, and you can find out the value of them this way. This will not be a sure proof way to find out the value now, but you can get a good feel for how your item is worth. Go to the search engine on eBay and type in the description of your item. If your item is there, you will find ones for sale, and you can even see what they sold for in the past. You can also look at sites like Amazon to see if any have sold there as well.

Finding out the value of your collectible now can help you to determine whether you want to sell it or if you should still hang on to it for the future. You may be surprised at how much your antique has increased in price over the past few years.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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