How to Turn Diet and Exercise into a Lifestyle

A problem many people face is that they regain their weight a short time after meeting their fitness goals. This is largely due to a return to the previous lifestyle that caused them to lose muscle and gain weight. You can meet your fitness goals naturally and maintain a healthier physique if you resolve to continue living healthier. While the thought of living a healthier way of life may make you groan, it doesn’t have to feel like a big sacrifice. If you can learn how to manifest and change your lifestyle, you can create a healthy routine that you enjoy, and reach your health goals.

Create a Healthy Diet You Enjoy

You should begin revising your lifestyle by changing your diet to include healthier food options. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to eat foods you hate. In fact, you can create a plan that only includes the foods you like. For many unhealthy foods, there are natural alternatives that you may like just as well. For example, switch from white bread to whole grain products. You can replace potato chips with unsalted popcorn or dried fruit. Instead of giving up meat, serve smaller portions of lean-cut red meat, poultry, or fish. Two-thirds of each meal should consist of fruits and vegetables, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat veggies and fruits you don’t like. Choose natural foods you do enjoy and look for a variety of ways of preparing them to add flavor and excitement to each meal.

Don’t Give Up Your Favorite Foods

Adopting a healthier diet doesn’t mean you can never have the foods or meals you enjoy, but they shouldn’t be regular staples in your diet. You can still have spaghetti once in a while, but keep the portions small and only make enough for one meal. Have a scoop of ice cream on rare occasions. The key to eating the foods you enjoy is to eat them in moderation, reserving high fat and high-calorie foods for infrequent treats. Be careful to limit the number of treats you allow yourself to enjoy as well. If you have the ice cream, save the spaghetti for next month. Healthier choices should comprise the bulk of your sustenance.

Make Exercise Fun

After you complete a 90 day body transformation program, you’ll likely be feeling pretty good about yourself for meeting the challenge. Don’t let those good feelings stop there. You should immediately set a new fitness goal for yourself to ensure you’ll consistently keep challenging yourself to do better. In making a fitness goal, plan to look for different types of physical activities. You don’t have to go to the fitness center every night. You’ll find that it’s easier to meet your goals if you’re engaging in many different types of physical activity since the variety will help you work out different muscle groups throughout your body. Look for exercises you love, such as tennis, golfing, swimming, or bicycling. This will keep your workouts fun, and you’ll look forward to doing them more often.

Don’t Stress Over Your Goals

While you should be keeping track of your fitness progress, don’t obsess over those numbers. Worrying too much about meeting your fitness goals will have the opposite effect on your progress. You’ll end up getting frustrated because you’re not seeing the results you expected. If you’re consistently living an active and healthy lifestyle, the results will come gradually over time. However, if you let yourself feel defeated by the numbers on your scale, you’re likely to give up and revert to unhealthy habits. This will only cause you to gain more weight and do more damage to your health. If you feel yourself getting frustrated, put the scale away for a few days. When you have a more hopeful mindset, return to tracking your progress.

Do Something Enjoyable Each Day

Focusing too much on maintaining a healthy lifestyle can adversely affect your mental health. Keeping a healthy mind is just as important as keeping a physically fit body, so it’s important to devote some time out of each day towards relieving stress. Even just one hour of relaxation each day can be enough to alleviate stress and anxiety. Some common activities you can try include meditation, yoga, writing in a journal, or taking a warm bath. Each person is different, so you should look for activities that you enjoy.

Before you make any significant changes to your routine, you should consult your doctor. They may recommend adjusting your plans slightly to make these changes safer for you. Each person has unique health and wellness needs, and your doctor can help you create a lifestyle plan that’s customized for your situation.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.