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How What Your Child Wears Affects Their Confidence & Positivity

Adults are all too well familiar with being self-conscious about their appearance. When you are dressed well, you feel confident in yourself, but wearing clothes that you don’t feel look good on you quickly takes that confidence away. Even though we are all familiar with this, many parents forget that the same thing applies to children. Here are just four of the many ways that the clothes your child wears can affect his or her confidence and positivity.

Ill-Fitting Clothes Quickly Drain Confidence

Many parents with multiple children save clothes from older kids to give to the younger ones as they grow. Though this can save money, it can also leave kids wearing clothes that don’t fit them very well. Having to walk through school in clothes that are either baggy or too tight can leave your child feeling extremely self-conscious about his or her appearance. So make sure to only pass on clothes that fit just right.

Nice Shoes Are a Must

I know what you’re thinking. By “nice shoes”, I don’t mean that they have to be name brand. No, they just have to be decent and clean. Even though kids are most likely to get their shoes muddy while playing, it’s important to do your best to keep their shoes looking as good as possible. Having overly dirty or badly worn shoes can cause kids to worry about how they look, while spending the day in a sharp-looking pair of shoes will enhance self-confidence. To help, you can keep a box of wipes near the front door or wherever your child keeps his or her shoes. Your child can then make sure that their shoes are clean right after they come in from playing. Another idea is to have one pair of shoes that is strictly for playing outside with and another pair of shoes that is for going to school in.

The Right Glasses Make All the Difference

Almost everyone is familiar with the phenomenon of young children not wanting to wear glasses for fear of being picked on in school. If your child needs glasses, take them to a local clinic, such as the Eye Society, where they’ll be able to pick out their own pair of glasses and find something that fits their style and personality. Doing this will help them to be able to wear them much more confidently, because they will be something that they’ll be excited about. Also, you might want to have your child consider modern styles and what is “in” right now.

Let Older Children Pick Their Own Styles

When your kids are very young, you effectively make the style decisions for them by default. As they grow, however, this should change. Once children are 9 or 10, it’s important to let them express their individuality as they see fit. If your child wants to wear something that’s more modern or even a little edgier, allow it, so long as it isn’t going overboard. This not only increases confidence by letting kids wear clothes that they like, but by letting them know that their parents respect their tastes and decisions—which shows that you have confidence in them too!

Ultimately, what makes your children feel confident and positive about themselves will boil down to what they like. By making sure your child looks good, you can give him or her a leg up in developing a positive self-image.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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